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Dreamy Lovemaking
2C-B & Beer
Citation:   zagadka. "Dreamy Lovemaking: An Experience with 2C-B & Beer (exp110346)". Dec 20, 2018.

T+ 1:00
  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00 0.5 tablets oral 2C-B
  T+ 4:30   smoked Cannabis
T+ 0.00 - 7,5mg ingested ('netflix&chill' pill) (19.30h)
T+ 1.00 - a couple of beers
T+ 4.30 - a joint

I tried 2c-b for the first time one week before this experience. My first time I took half a pill as well, but in a different context: a kind of trance-inducing ambient-techno club night, which was pretty cool. I tried it with two friends, both keen psychonauts. After the experience, all three of us agreed that it had been really interesting, though a little bit weird - our mood seemed to keep on changing throughout the night: there were points were we would really feel the mdma vibe and get into the music, but from time to time the psychedelic effect would kick on which would make us feel more like sitting in one of the sofas and staring at the beautiful patterns of the carpets on the floor. All in all, I was left with curiosity so I wanted to try it again.

I decided to do it again the following week with a good friend, we wanted to try it in a more calm and intimate environment, so we thought of dropping them in our town towards the end of the day, maybe taking a walk and afterwards returning home to a comfy bed and some good music. Our intention was also to have sex on it, since apparently 2c-b is meant to be a really good aphrodisiac.

T+ 0.00
We are at a bar next to our place with a friend having a few beers. We are feeling tipsy and uplifted, and the sun is still shining shyly, so we decide it might be a good time to drop it. We take a half each and finish the beer with our friend.

Once we are done with it (about 20 mins later) our friend leaves so we decide to take a walk to try to catch the last rays of sun. We begin walking a bit aimlessly and we start to notice the first effects: we feel kind of a general high, warm and energetic
we start to notice the first effects: we feel kind of a general high, warm and energetic
. We also notice that colours and perception are enhanced, kind of like when on the come up of LSD.

T+ 1.00
We are in the grass next to a river, feeling high in spirits and cheerful, so we decide not to go home yet and go have a beer at another bar. We get in there starting to feel pretty high. The bar is almost empty. We ask for two beers and my friend is feeling quite talkative so he has a chat with the barman, which I find quite amusing.

We decide to go upstairs to get more comfortable. Luckily there’s no one else in the room, so we make it ours: we walk around and lay down on the sofas while listening to the music, which happens to be pretty good. I feel so much at ease, I know it must be obvious that I am high but I don’t really mind, I just feel very comfortable with the situation. While in the sofa we start getting closer, which feels amazingly good, since we are both feeling warm and fuzzy. The situation begins to get interesting, so we decide to go back to our place and see what happens from there.

T+ 1.30
We get home and we go to my room. We set up everything: good lightning (in one side of the room there’s a green fluorescent light, while on the other one there’s a red lava lamp, combination which creates some particularly cool contrasts), some incense and music (we decide to go for Tame Impala, since we feel it goes well with the kind of mdma-like warm feeling we are having). We realise that time is going super slow, just a little more than an hour ago we were still having a beer with our friend!

Once we are on the bed we notice we are feeling super warm, so we just take our clothes off right away. Being naked feels right. We start making out and it feels blissful: his skin is very warm and soft, and all in all I feel very turned on and attracted to him, I can understand why they used to sell this as an aphrodisiac. We start making love and of course it feels super nice. We feel like we are melting into each other, and the music melts into us as well. My friend points out that he can’t distinguish between what is me and what is the music. As for me, I feel like the music is merging into us as well, as if it was guiding our actions and movements. From time to time, with my eyes closed, I notice the more kind of psychedelic side of it: I really feel like I’m being transported into a different dimension, even if I don’t have any CEV or anything in general I feel like my body doesn’t have any boundaries, like it’s advancing in some sort of dream-space. I really enjoy this feeling, even though when I open my eyes I feel a bit overwhelmed by the contrast of what is going on inside me and what is going on in the outside. Trying to focus on external elements is interesting too: we can notice how the walls seem to move/melt slightly, and the red/green shadows and contrasts feel very intense. We keep on making love for about two hours, orgasms feel particularly long and intense.

T+ 4.00
We start to notice the peak effects kind of fading away, so I roll a joint and we chat for a while. We still get easily lost observing our surroundings and the contrasts made by the lightning. I feel very good at this point, I remember feeling very happy and all-loving with everyone and everything. We eat some fruit and we spend a while watching random youtube videos and cuddling.

T+ 5.00
Towards 1.30 am we start feeling pretty sleepy, so we decide to close the lights and give it a go. My friend falls asleep right away, but it takes a while for me. It doesn’t surprise me since I’ve never been a good sleeper, and after such an intense experience it makes sense that I am still a bit agitated. This doesn’t bother me though, I feel really good and at peace, as if my soul had grown a little bit bigger.
I feel really good and at peace, as if my soul had grown a little bit bigger.
I spend some time laying in bed and thinking about stuff, I remember getting some interesting and cool ideas. Finally, about an hour later I fall asleep.

Next morning:
We wake up at around eleven and have a good breakfast. I don’t feel any kind of hungover, neither physical nor emotional. I still feel a bit tired though, so I take a nap after breakfast (I’m a bad sleeper but a great napper!). When I wake up again I feel super good, and I still feel very peaceful and blissful.

Overall it was a great experience, I can’t wait to try it again and experiment a little more with it, maybe at higher doses. I feel it’s a drug with great potential, I really enjoyed the combination of the psychedelic effects and the kind of ecstasy-like ones, and I think it works really well when you share it with people you appreciate.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110346
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 20, 2018Views: 1,624
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