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Overlapping Trees and Rainbow Brush
Citation:   Transcended_tripper_. "Overlapping Trees and Rainbow Brush: An Experience with 2C-B (exp110368)". May 5, 2020.

T+ 0:00
22 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Amazing Experience With 2cb

Before I start this I would like to admit I should not have been using research chemicals at my age at the time but no long term harm has been shown from it. The day started with a friend and I we'll call him bob finding out we would have the house to our selfs, we had tried 15 mg oral the day before with very little effects to our psychedelic craving minds. We decided we would weigh out two 22 mg lines, I the only slightly less experienced tripper wanted the same intensity as bob. Bob rails his line fast I will always remember him saying 'I accept what happens now', I of course then started to get anxiety but I quickly railed it and tried to forget about it thinking about what bob had said, what comes next will be hard to describe due to the nature and the time past but I will do my best because I believe trying to explain this will make me remember more and more.

T:10 mins- I look at my hands as I usually do when I start to feel that I am tripping 'whoa my hands are breathing' I say to bob, bob seems to always have stomach issues after snorting 2cb as I start coming up more his vomiting gives off bad vibes. We decide to go lay down and watch rick and morty ( I soon find out for me at least that this is a bad idea) the sounds from the show are grotesque and distort so much that it almost takes over my trip and makes everything get darker, I focus on his Indian star tapestry it starts warping till it's my whole vision almost surrounding the whole room. Bob starts to slightly feel better so we decide to get up and make this trip brighten up. (That kind of positive attitude can really help when stupid stuff brings the trip down at all)

T:aprox 30 mins-Bob and I decide to go downstairs and look into the woods out back of his rather large house, out side my vision is blurred by overlapping trees and brush with an almost rainbow shine on it all. (shit starts to get pretty weird for us at this point and is slightly a blur) Bob and I are silent for multiple minuets both in psychedelic trances of visuals I was feeling pretty anxious with the silence I remember his downstairs room we were in completely morphing into the room we were in before then the Indian star I mentioned came back and floated across my vision and my vision almost seemed like it was lowering either I was melting into he couch or my eyes were in my stomach. Bob breaks the silence only to say something that frightened me 'Am I even breathing' then I instantly had to check my breath we found out we were so all was ok. Then I start to hear a loud buzzing almost like a plane is what I'm guessing thinking back on it bob says to me 'dude I can hear electricity'. From here the social aspect and memory of the trip got better.

T:1 hour- I suggest we go outside feeling a weird connection to the idea of nature since the houses morphing was making me nauseous. Bob says 'how do we do that' I obviously answer we just open up the door and leave his response being 'it really works like that' so now with everything still being 3 dimensional and slicing images repeat across my vision we manage to put on shoes and warm cloths to go to a near by waterfall. Out the door everything is new like I've never seen it before trees are everywhere and dancing and repeating themselves across my vision in a slightly freaky but amazingly beautiful way. We make a stumbling walk to the waterfall if anyone would have saw us they would've called for help most likely cause we were tripping hard. I sit on a rock and thinking my peak had happened in the house I soon look inside of a rock 'not literally' all the individual spots on the rock danced with lasers morphing all through the rock like a light show my perception made it look like the rock was as deep as a crater. Soon we realize it's only 30 degrees and we should probably get back inside. We are slowly getting to the point were we are settled into the trip and can control our body's better so we walk back to the house fine with still +++ visuals.

T:1 hour 30 mins-Bob decides he is going to skateboard inside his garage he successfully ollies tripping balls the tracers were crazy mixed with cut images I saw 4 second tracers on his whole body. He falls on his next attempt to do something stupid. We just chat in the garage for a little kicking a basket ball looking at the crazy visuals. The garage flooring looks like a flowing river of grey paint. We now realize we're completely comfortable with our trips and decide to add a little herb to it.

T: roughly 2 hours 30 mins (some time skipped was just social trip convos with the same visuals described in garage) Bob and I are back in his room about to pack a bowl of grade a bud all of our Chemicals and herb we're from trusted dark net markets. I some how manage to crawl out his window since we can't light up inside, I instantly feel in a new place again when outside with slightly less intense visuals still pieces and branches of trees cut out and spread across the horizon is how I can describe it. I spark the first hit the weed looks pretty the orange hairs shimmer like electric bolts and the green is just the greatest green and it feels very very strange to inhale but less than a minuet after inhale visuals breath more almost like a heart beat, the roof patterns look like flowing snakes that are slithering in place all synchronized. Each hit makes the patterns more fluent and faster paced but in a more controllable way this time and not nauseating.

T:3 hours 30 minuets- After smoking multiple bowls it brings back the visuals for a little bit as they slowly start to fade away till it's down to just psychedelic vibes and the weed high from the bowls we smoked. Bob and I bond a lot through psychedelic experiences together and have deep conversations which is one thing I love about this drug, it has a crazy psychedelic effect for me and other users (I know some report it does not give them strong psychedelia) but it also lets me open up about the thoughts I have making it great for trips with people I want like to connect with more. (possibly I only say this on personal experience).

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 110368
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: May 5, 2020Views: 792
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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