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It Really Works
Citation:   dontdodrugskids420. "It Really Works: An Experience with Kava (exp110369)". Jun 4, 2018.

400 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  18 oz oral Kava (liquid)
I have had two somewhat plain experiences with kava before this, with some mild effects with the tea I made from the herb. However, I had no clue what was in store for me when I made it with the powdered form and a tincture.

First, I hadn't gotten much sleep due to an all nighter for an English essay draft so I took two caffeine pills to stay awake. However, I also made some kava as a way to destress from the french project I had to present when I arrived at school. at 8 am, I drank about 18 ounces of this extremely strong kava I made from some high quality kava powder with a fattier milk(whole milk/creamer) to extract more Kavalactones. I also added chocolate syrup to try and minimize the taste of the kava, but the strength was so potent that it cut through all the chocolate syrup I used. On my way to school I felt the usual onset which includes my hands feeling numb. Next thing I know, after my presentation I'm sitting in class as my body feels to get much heavier. 2 hours later in school and the effects were made more potent by the ingestion of lunch after the kava set in. Eventually, I felt as if my body was not cooperating with my brain, and that it was a battle to move. I ended up talking to a friend of mine and ended up saying some things about how I found her attractive since I was having issues filtering words I said from thoughts. Given this strong onset, a girl I was interested who is practically a member of dare came up to me and started a conversation, yet luckily I had the small reserve of brain power to say that it was because I was tired, not because I felt lke I was made out of plaster. by the time school ended(approx. 5 hours) the effects started to subside, and any requests I had made to get hit since I couldn't feel anything came back afterwards.

Overall, it was a good experience, but I wished I had picked a calmer day or waited till I was at my house before I use that amount of kava again.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110369
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 4, 2018Views: 983
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Kava (30) : General (1), Various (28)

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