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Tree of Strength
Citation:   Noltern. "Tree of Strength: An Experience with Kratom (exp110474)". Apr 17, 2018.

5 g oral Kratom (daily)
I am a 26 year old man who works a very physical, stressful job of being a dishwasher and cook in an incredibly busy restuarant. I used to abuse opiates, cocaine, psychedelics and any substance I could get my hands on during my late teens and early 20's. During those years my health and mental state was in rapid decline. Most of this was attributed to heavy alcohol, ecstacy and cocaine usage. Food service industry can be a slippery slope to addiction with lots of unsavory influences.

As I got older I wanted to become healthier and began being much more physical with lots of manual labor, organic gardening, walking and eating better as well as limiting my alcohol consumption to 1 beer a night and substituting everything else with herbal alternatives. Cannabis and kratom were a godsend.

Through the daily tea of kratom, I can walk 8 miles, garden for 5 hours and then go work a 8 hour shift and work harder and faster than everyone else. The only problem is kratom is physically and mentally addictive, which I learned from going days without it. I would say the benefits outweigh this though, as I've been more productive, responsible and successful in the last 7 months of my life than I ever have and I would do it over again and again if I had to.

[Reported Dose: "5 Grams"]

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110474
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Apr 17, 2018Views: 1,197
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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