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Incapable of Processing Any One Thing
Alcohol, Amphetamine, MDMA, bk-2C-B & Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   Neurotica. "Incapable of Processing Any One Thing: An Experience with Alcohol, Amphetamine, MDMA, bk-2C-B & Sleep Deprivation (exp110516)". Dec 11, 2017.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:00 100 mg insufflated Amphetamines  
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00 7 lines insufflated MDMA  
  T+ 0:00 140 mg oral bk-2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 80 mg oral bk-2C-B (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Bk-2c-b psychosis and the hospital

Tl;dr: poly-drug use during the day before a night shift, tripped balls, possible psychosis and was hospitalised. Focus of the text is primarily on the effects of bk-2c-b.

After finishing a shift at the nightclub on Friday night/Saturday morning (4am), a few of us headed back for an after-work session. Drank and smoked until the stores opened at 7am. We waited on the other side of the sliding glass door, gazing longingly inwards; pining for it like a family pet locked out in the cold. The checkout lady must have thought we were total alcoholics, scanning the spirits and crates almost every 7am whilst looking at us with a bemused expression. It would've been a fairly accurate appraisal. (:

We returned to the house, drank, smoked and chatted shit all through until the afternoon. Some of us were getting a bit tired and took a bump of amphetamine (I had a 100mg line). Of course this led to some redosing (another 100mg line). This, in turn, facilitated the attitude that it was a good idea to have a fully-fledged drug sesh the same day of another shift at the nightclub.

Three of us took some mdma (I had a 200mg bomb), it was Natalie's first time trying it. Our already minimal personal boundaries broke down completely. We were really affectionate towards each other 'who's a good boy?' rubbing his tummy like a dog whilst he was pinching my cheeks as Grandma used to when I was a kid. Then I did another 500mg of mdma split into 7 lines (pretty close together). It was an intense boost. I was sat at a desk when it peaked. To me, everything in the room (desk, bedside table, people etc.) as well as my body was vibrating, I had mad nystagmus (eye wiggles) and some perceptual distortions.

With the intention of keeping the session going, Darren reminded me of the bk-2c-b I had (which I got from an RC vendor when it was legal here in the UK, before the blanket ban). I had some pre-made bombs in my drug purse, one with 140mg and the other with 110mg of bk-2c-b powder. I took the bigger one while Darren took the smaller one (avoided drinking with water as I read this causes it to form inactive dimers). I'm still ashamed of what happened next. We made the rookie mistake of thinking we didn’t take enough because we weren't getting anything from it after an hour.
We made the rookie mistake of thinking we didn’t take enough because we weren't getting anything from it after an hour.
So Darren rolled up a couple of 80mg bombs (my total: 220mg of bk-2c-b).

In the shower, the colours on the dials for the temperature started projecting out in a prism-like way. The tripping had started. I came out in just a towel to find Natalie on the bed, also wet, naked and in a towel, still rolling her tits off. I remember sitting next to her, unsure as to where everyone else was, as she crawled up on to me, stared me dead in the eyes, and asked 'Tammy...' (Me: 'Yes?') '... Where are my clothes?' I had no idea. We began searching the room for her and my clothes. To our dismay, we saw the boys outside, shirtless, with our tops tied round their heads like bandannas. Darren was digging a hole in the back garden next to the pile of the rest of our clothes. He was intending to 'bury them as a sacrifice to the divine toga lord.' (then gave me a sarky look, as if it was obvious and that I was the stupid one). Evidently, he was tripping balls. All the while Jack stood by giggling at the situation whilst tending to his motorbike.

After getting dressed, doing my hair and makeup ready for work, I really started tripping. It resembled an acid trip. [Note: I'm not a seasoned tripper. Including the present experience, I've only tripped balls three times; unless you count ketamine, but I view that as a bit different]. The fabric of my reality rippled constantly, like a flag in mild wind. There were these thin streams made up of stripy multi-coloured liquid that flowed and forked like rivers over the background of my vision e.g., on the walls (a persistent feature of the trip). Colours were more polarised/contrasted (i.e., light colours were more vibrant/saturated while darker colours appeared darker) and edges were more defined. Everyone's hair extended messily beyond their natural boundaries, with bright highlights throughout. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't tell where my real hair ended and where the hallucinogenic hair started. People always have something to say about my hair when we take drugs (I think because I have a side fringe that's really layered and I straighten it, so it's quite angular. Maybe the edginess innervates the primary visual cortex more, idk).

The situations got really silly; a neighbour came round the back with their bike while I was on Darren's back trying to get my other top back. All four of us (fucked out of our minds) turned to him. 'Hi there! I'm the ostrich, welcome to my enclosure' I announced. When I looked at Jack, he had this cyborg, robotic quality. I saw flashing buttons on him and he had a slight chrome finish. After mentioning it, he started acting robotic and doing impressions.

After realising the implications of the situation, I was filled with dread. I had work in a couple hours and I was supposed to be supervising a bar. Tension grew throughout my body, over my back/shoulders, in my chest and upper arms, as I got that sinking feeling in my stomach. The fear began to take over and I started to freak out. Little did I know, I was not going to work at all that night...

Darren had to try and get me on a work level, while I was having full blown geometric visuals of fractals and while everything around me was morphing. When Darren moved his arm, there was a huge trace (like on old computers when they lag and you move a window across the screen). Also, if he moved his body, it left an imprint with multi-coloured (blue, red and green) tints on the outline of where he had been on my visual field. I couldn't take him seriously and was split between talking nonsense and freaking out about losing my job. 'Who needs sleep when you have this much skin?' He resorted to flicking me with water whenever I deviated from normal conversation (something I’m pretty sure cat owners do when their cats misbehave). Eventually he talked me down 'I've seen you way more fucked up than this. I've gotten away at work in worse states.'

Jack and I decided to try and have a nap before work, but when I closed my eyes there were intense, perfectly symmetrical CEVs of lines turning into wiggly patterns of burgundy and cream colours. It felt as though they were burrowing into and out of my skin like parasitic worms. They were coupled with uncomfortable creaking wood auditory hallucinations. There was no way I could sleep. Jack had to walk me back to my house (2 minutes away) because I was so out of it, I was sick a couple of times, the streets would bend and diverge into multiple paths.

To make matters worse, all of my innocent, non-drug using and naïve of my drug using housemates were in; making dinner. Here started the extremely delusional and paranoid thinking/hallucinations. I tried to act normal, but completely failed. To me, I was literally seeing my housemates carry out this 'routine' they had planned for when I brought someone they didn't know into the house (where they packed up all their stuff and huddled together to keep safe). They told me retrospectively that this was absolutely not true. At one point I sheepishly asked 'is this an intervention?'

I played it off as though I was having a stress-induced mental breakdown. I even started crying. To be fair I was going through some stuff at the time, so it was believable. Stacey (the only one I was friends with) took me up to my room, laid me in bed, took my shoes off, reassured me and switched the lights off. After Stacey called in to work sick on my behalf, my manager demanded to speak to me, I cried down the phone saying I would go in to try and help. I apologised to my housemates and left the house crying. I paced up and down the street between my house and the bus stop as I continually changed my mind about what to do. I started getting worried about police, so I returned to the house.

I searched for my light switch but couldn't find it. Stacey, alerted by the sound of me talking to myself, opened the door and turned the lights on. This illuminated me, crouched in my washing basket, schizing out in only my underwear and a jumper. Apparently I did something stupid, resulting in an ambulance being called. I was overcome with a psychedelic tsunami.

Some of the delusions included thinking that my previous actions were inexpiable and going to get my housemates and I thrown in prison together, but my housemates didn't know it yet. I thought my housemates would l i t e r a l l y want to kill me if they found out. This overwhelming terror crippled my thoughts and motor skills. I repeatedly apologised as it was all I was capable of before going totally catatonic. It looked as though all my housemates were crying (they weren't) and then I got this really bad feeling. I'd say it was analogous to being on a plane that was going to crash nose first into a mountain side; I didn't actually think we were in a plane, but I was 100% convinced that we were all. About. To die. Imminently. I thought the whole Universe, from my perspective, was going to end. I was totally frozen and unable to communicate my thoughts.

The paramedics arrived, took them a little while to realise I was on drugs (they still bought the mental breakdown act for a while). I really didn't want to go to hospital, but I was completely incapable of formulating sentences or executing movements.
I really didn't want to go to hospital, but I was completely incapable of formulating sentences or executing movements.
Coordination or control of thoughts, or even focusing on a single thought was impossible. I was but a receiver of input, incapable of processing any one thing for more than a few seconds.

It was like the lenses of my eyes had filters over them, as if someone turned up the red colour saturation on my vision (everything was washed with a very intense rosé wine red), but there were also blurred patches of green, blue and yellow mixed in. These filters in front of my eyes were also waving. It was as if this filtered stream of my vision had been applied to an ocean; it was rippling sinusoidally. Nonsense skeletal diagrams of chemicals started emerging from thin air. Very loud tinnitus built up in my ears, like crashing waterfalls or white noise sourced from directly inside my auditory canal. The paramedics voices were muffled, they gurney'd me up and took me to hospital while Stacey accompanied me in the ambulance, holding my hand. Stacey got Jack to text her about what I'd taken so she could tell the paramedics. After hearing them read the list out loud, their sentences looped repeatedly in my head all the way to and in the hospital. I had visions, as if glancing through a window, of the office at work. I saw my manager slam a stack of papers on the desk 'Jesus Christ, I can't believe she's done this' and then thought (more like 'felt') they were going to come and see me. The looped sentences then took on the voices of my friends, and turned into deprecating criticisms of me. 'All she ever does in her free time is drugs; she doesn't have any interests; all she ever talks about is who she had anal with the night before; she's never going to achieve anything.' These same sentences, over and over, as clear as if my friends were in the room saying it to the hospital staff.

I blacked out huge periods of time. Next thing I knew I was in the waiting room of a psychiatric department in the hospital, waiting to see a psychiatrist. Completely non-verbal and unable to comprehend what was happening around me, Stacey began singing softly. When I closed my eyes, I could see her in grey-scale through my closed eyelids. If I looked away and then looked back at here (with my eyes open), she changed into a different person each time I saw her. After a while, I was able to pipe up a lyric or two back, but would recoil in fear that I had got it wrong. I stuttered a lot, I was fixated with my fingers and Stacey asked 'what are you trying to say? Is it something about your nail varnish?' (She works with difficult children, so an ideal skill set to deal with me really).

Then I'm up and limping around the hospital department with only one shoe on chatting absolute nonsense to staff and other patients (I was still tripping balls, those rivers of colours from the beginning of the trip were still very prevalent. I also saw these red green and blue vapours rising around me). Everything seemed like a joke. I was confused and genuinely did not believe I was in a hospital. I'd keep asking what the current geographical location was. My voice was very raspy as I'd been drinking heavily and regularly around that time. I'd press myself up to a wall, shoot an inquisitive look at someone who was right next to me and ask 'does it look like I'm operating this wall correctly to you?' And staff would try and direct me somewhere, but I'd protest saying 'd'ya knooow what? ... because I don't.' I'd point at the ground 'whose floor is this?' point upwards 'because it's not my ceiling.'

Two butch goth girls were getting sick of me. Either one of them could have knocked me out, by themselves, on a good day. Let alone when I was tripping and when I hadn't slept or eaten in at least two days. But I wasn't intimidated in the slightest. Sat weak in my chair, I told them to either do something or shut up. They threatened to beat me up, and even stood up to come over. I did not feel any fear. I had trouble believing anything that anyone said. I kept eye contact with one of them, without faltering, as she threatened me until she looked away (I was a complete bitch and totally out of line. There was no ability to assess outcomes of situations. I still cringe and will forever feel guilty and be embarrassed about this event). Stacey also stood up for me to the point of tears while staff took the goth girls to another waiting room.

13hours in the hospital later and after seeing a clinical psychologist (psychiatrists were too busy) I explained to them why me being there was unnecessary and they let me go with follow-up appointments booked. I was still tripping a bit. There were mini fractals, small localised morphing and when I stared, I saw this weird wash effect in the centre of my vision. Imagine a sink that's full of water, and when you turn the tap on, you know the point where the water from the tap hits the water in the sink and makes all the splashy bubbles? I saw little splashy bubbles like that which grew and spread out from the centre of my vision, and they had little multi-coloured tints. I took Monday lectures off to sleep and miraculously, thanks to medical confidentiality, I didn't get fired from my workplace. :)

[Note: a lot of the phenomenology I experienced when I was at my house, in the ambulance and in the hospital is utterly impossible to explain.]

I think I may have been fine if it wasn't for all the stress induced by the fact that I had work that night. This probably triggered the psychosis-esque experience. I'm sure I'd actually love bk-2c-b if I took a smaller amount in the absence of any adversity. Unlikely that I'll never know as my friend flushed the remaining bk-2c-b down the toilet and now there are no RC vendors operating here anymore. Oh well, there's always the regular 2c-x family. :)

This experience was a wake-up call. I've improved and grown a lot as a person since then. Please don't judge me too hard for it!

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110516
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 11, 2017Views: 1,158
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bk-2C-B (618) : Difficult Experiences (5), Overdose (29), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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