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I Cannot Comprehend What Happened
Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether
by Jomo
Citation:   Jomo. "I Cannot Comprehend What Happened: An Experience with Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether (exp110531)". May 2, 2019.

50 ug smoked Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether (powder / crystals)
  100 ug smoked Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether (powder / crystals)
  275 ug smoked Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether (powder / crystals)
Stronger Than Anything You Can Imagine

To start off, I have many years of experience in chemistry. My job involves it, and I was always interested in it as a kid. Of course, I studied it in college.

I've never really synthesized any drugs for my own use, so this was a first. I heard of Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether online, and did some research. After a few hours of work, I devised a synthesis method.

The next day, I ordered some Salvia leaves. They arrived in about a week. I quickly extracted the Salvinorin A, and put it in a small vial.

I went to my makeshift lab in my garage and got to work. It took a few hours. But I finally synthesized Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether from Salvinorin A. Or, at least I assumed.
I finally synthesized Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether from Salvinorin A. Or, at least I assumed.
The next day I brought it to work and performed Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry on the substance. It was Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether.

Excited to likely be one of the first to experience this compound, I put the rest of the material in my bag and went home a few hours later.

While I was excited to experiment, I remembered my previous experiences with Salvia, and became a little hesitant. But, I realized how rare this compound is—it needs to be experimented with.

I measured out 50ug and smoked it. No effects. Then 100ug. Slight buzz, no effects other than that. I decided to throw in 275ug.

I took the hit. I held it. Within five seconds I felt something.
Within five seconds I felt something.
My knees started warping and stretched out about twenty feet and went through my door. I stood up, and my head blasted through the ceiling, and before I knew it I was standing above my city. I could see each and every person doing their own thing. I tried to bend down and look further, and reappeared in my house before disappearing and falling through my floor into an endless array of eerie sounds. I eventually reached the bottom and felt my body hit the ground. A creature walked toward me and grabbed me by the neck and said 'You better know what you're doing' in a disturbing voice. Then he threw me and I landed. I stood up and realized that I was in the 1950s.

The trip went from impossible events to me simply existing in a different time. I walked around on this street, and found a newspaper on the ground. I could read each and every article. At the top read, 'August 6, 1953.'

I didn't know that it wasn't real. It was all that I knew. I could remember my life, but it wasn't mine. It was the life of the person that I was in 1953. I could remember my childhood, school years, first job, everything.

I went into a restaurant. I walked to the counter and asked for a hot dog. The woman said no problem and I sat down. A few minutes later, she brought over my order. I began to bite in before I saw that instead of a hot dog between buns it was my real self, wiggling between the bread. I freaked out, but didn't know who it was. I was wondering what was going on, because I felt like something was wrong in the person that I was during this time. I began to feel lightheaded, and everything went black. I rolled over, and I was back to reality.

I had no idea who I was. What anything was. My ceiling was falling apart and breaking into little pieces everywhere. Anything that I looked at had a face and smiled at me.

About 10 minutes later, most of this subsided, and I realized what happened. My mind was blown. This was an infinite amount stronger than my strongest experience on Salvia. I went and looked at my clock. Nearly 3 hours had passed.

That's about all I have to say. If I experiment with it any more, I will be sure to write more reports. However that is unlikely for now, because I cannot comprehend what happened.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110531
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 2, 2019Views: 17,387
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Salvinorin B Ethoxymethyl Ether (641) : Cultivation / Synthesis (31), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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