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Maximizing the Day's Potential
Citation:   Habibi. "Maximizing the Day's Potential: An Experience with Caffeine (exp110613)". Oct 14, 2020.

1 - 2 cup oral Coffee
All my life I’ve seen people drinking coffee, mainly from Starbucks. I always thought of it as unnecessary, expensive, trendy, and addicting. I prefered psychedelic substances in moderation, like marijuana, LSD, and Salvia. However, I’d never really given coffee a chance. So, a couple of weeks ago, it happened that I did not get enough sleep but wanted to still be productive. A family member suggested I drink a cup of coffee. I thought, “eh, what the hell--I’ll try it!”

I enjoyed it. First, the experience itself: It tasted rather nice (with some milk), and the feeling of drinking something warm in the morning was calming.

And then there’s the effect of the caffeine. That’s the really fun part. I’m naturally a morning person. I don’t wake up groggy, I wake up with energy. I like being productive, getting ideas, working on them, and eventually getting them done. I’ve noticed, however, that my natural energy tends to come in waves. I go to my favorite workspace and spend most of the day there. But every two hours I feel the need to take a break and do something else. It’s natural, so I listen to my body and do that. However, I can’t usually keep this up because I get tired from using my brain for a whole day. This means that I have to deal with the feeling of tiredness simply because I’m spending mental energy.

With coffee, it’s different. I feel like it takes my energy to its full potential. I feel a boost pretty soon after drinking it, and it’s exciting. I can work more smoothly, without starting to daydream.

One cup: I have more energy for about six hours.
One cup: I have more energy for about six hours.
The effect is good, and is less about fun and more about functionality. In other words, it doesn’t feel like I’ve taken a drug--it just feels like I had a perfect night’s sleep.

Two cups (back-to-back): “WOOOOOOH!” I feel like running a lap and laughing about being alive. Everything is a little bit funny, and although I CAN stand still, I’d rather dance to the music in my head. If I look in the mirror, I immediately notice how much wider my eyes have become. Everything is exciting, and I can’t believe this stuff is legal--although I can imagine why it is. At this dose, it can be a little hard to concentrate at first because thoughts can be racing and I can be a little all over the place, but it’s fun. It becomes manageable after about half an hour, when the initial rush becomes more stable, and I have great focus on what I’m working on. Music hits the spot better than it already does, and I can do things faster and with more accuracy. I don’t get tired of working on the same thing, and I don’t feel like I want any breaks. In summary, I feel as if I’m right in the zone. Happy, energetic concentration with a slightly-crazy smile.

I cannot imagine drinking three cups. I may try it in the future, but I fear what will happen to me in the toilet, because at two cups I get a little diarrhea going. Not too bad, but feels acidic and overall diarrhea is generally not the best-feeling thing.

Another side-effect is that skipping meals becomes easy, which means an additional hour of productivity. However, I have no need to skip meals and my work is not more important than my health, so this is not of much benefit to me.

I really enjoy coffee now, but I want to maintain an addiction-free balance by saving it for special occasions. Right now I use it every other day. Days without coffee are fine, too. I’m glad I tried coffee, and I cannot imagine what crack must be like in comparison. I must never try it!

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110613
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 14, 2020Views: 2,560
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