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Physically and Mentally Relaxing
Citation:   someazn. "Physically and Mentally Relaxing: An Experience with Fluorophenibut (exp110624)". Jun 24, 2017.

300 mg oral Fluorophenibut (powder / crystals)
I just got a new job, but I was having a hard time being my usual relaxed, joking-around self around my coworkers for some reason. Never having used either substance before, I was doing a bit of research on Phenibut and Fluorophenibut/F-phenibut, deciding which to choose for a first time experience. I decided to go with the latter since I read from other people's experiences that it had a quicker onset and required a lower dosage to achieve similar effects as regular Phenibut.

0:00: Weighed out 300mg of F-Phenibut on a scale and parachuted the substance on an empty stomach.

0:15: Feeling a bit of a rush, could be placebo. Started eating a couple bites of my lunch, but didn't eat too quickly as I wanted the F-phenibut to be absorbed on a mostly-empty stomach.

0:50: Finished my lunch, feeling a little lightheaded. I go to my couch and sit, and I feel a bit of a body load. The sedation/muscle relaxation seems to be kicking in. Mentally, however, I feel normal and even a little happier than usual.

1:30: The body load seems to have fully developed, and I'm definitely experiencing a non-placebo good mood. It's 'natural'-feeling, however, unlike the big euphoria boost that a large dose of amphetamine would provide. Overall, mentally and physically, it reminds me of a light opiate high (~150 mg codeine) with less euphoria and less of an 'everything is alright in the world' effect on my mood. Music is a bit more enjoyable.

2:00: I go to work, and I feel more at ease with my coworkers, but that doesn't translate to me striking up conversations with them or cracking jokes more. I feel as if this substance is more for physical than mental relaxation.

2:30: The effects seem to be dropping off ever-so-slightly. I'm still physically and mentally relaxed, however.

8:00: Work goes normally and I don't really notice a difference in how chatty I am or my interactions with people besides a very slight reduction in general anxiety.

Conclusion: Fluorophenibut is alright for feeling a little more relaxed, but not for making one more social. Even having a cigarette would make me a lot more chatty than this. I'll definitely use this again if I'm just bored at home and want to chill out, but not get totally high/drunk/fucked up.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110624
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 24, 2017Views: 6,407
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Fluorophenibut (754) : Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Workplace (51)

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