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Having a Calm Afternoon
Citation:   wakefield92. "Having a Calm Afternoon: An Experience with Clonazolam (exp110715)". Feb 1, 2018.

T+ 0:00
250 ug oral Clonazolam (liquid)
  T+ 0:59 250 ug oral Clonazolam (liquid)
  T+ 2:38 750 ug oral Clonazolam (liquid)
Initial Clonazolam Experience

My package arrived in the mail at 11 this morning (a Monday). I ordered it in the middle of the night on Thursday, so the shipping was quick.

I took a 250 microgram dose to start with as I have heard varying reports on what the starting dose is meant to be. For further context, I have past experience with a wide range of benzos, but never an RC benzo. I am prescribed .5 mg of Klonopin to be taken 3 times a day. I am out of my usual meds though as I always take them too fast.

I took the liquid 250 microgram dose at 11:20 on a very light stomach. My breakfast was probably less than 300 calories. The taste was bad, although that doesn't bother me much at all. The liquid solution almost tastes like generic vodka. Definitely a departure from the pleasant taste of Klonopin.

11:36: I feel a lightness in my thoughts and fingers that isn't a placebo. The familiar warmth of a Clonazepam come-up is present, but even more pleasant. I just feel nice. And it's super early on, so I'm interested in experiencing the rest of what is to come.

12:19: I would compare the last hour to a 1.5 mg Clonazepam dose. I still feel decent, but I am going to take more because I want to feel the recreational levels of this substance. Right now, I just feel very pleasant. Time for another 250 micrograms.

12:33 Another thing I would like to note about this substance is its 'no fuck's given' effect. I feel like I could put a positive spin on almost every thought. It feels like 'liquid luck' from Harry Potter haha. Then again, I would characterize most benzos that way, depending on that dose.

Also! Listening to music through headphones sounds so relaxing. I am listening to Neil Young and the melodies feel perfect. My memory of recent history feels a little like quicksand falling through an hourglass.
My memory of recent history feels a little like quicksand falling through an hourglass.
Important thoughts will happen and then disappear from my mind, my focus shifts from one pleasant thing to another.

1:58: Taking another 750 microgram dose. I am having a calm afternoon, but so far the effects of Clonazolam appear to be more mild than I expected. Don't get me wrong, I feel good. But, I fear people have exaggerated the effects of certain doses. I think tolerance and previous experience has a lot to do with it. I will report further later on when this newer dose kicks in.

3:17: I feel a steady level of calmness and a medium-level of positivity. I think for future times, I will need to take more to get a full recreational experience.

To summarize: I am interested in trying more RC benzos and this has sparked that interest in it, But, the other reports I read that characterized it as overwhelming must have been taking crazy amounts or have no experience/tolerance with benzos. I could very well be wrong. Proceed with caution, no matter the substance.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110715
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 1, 2018Views: 8,908
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