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The Story of My Rise and Fall
by Duke
Citation:   Duke. "The Story of My Rise and Fall: An Experience with MDMA (exp110797)". Jul 27, 2017.

T+ 0:00
240 mg oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:50 240 mg oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
This report details the stupidest, most disastrous night I spent on any drug - one in which I discovered just how intense MDMA can be.

It was my friends (from here on out referred to as Swede) 19th birthday, and the plan was to take MDMA and explore the woods (my friend attends a campus university, so there is plenty of woodland around). This would be my second experience with the drug – my first experience was with powdered MDMA, of which I took around 400mg. I arrived at their uni at around 8pm, having made sure to have something to eat (a sandwich and a chocolate bar) beforehand. I hung out in their room with them and their uni friends, until about 9pm when we took our first dose.

The pills we were taking were 240mg each, and the majority of us – myself included – took a third to start, 80mg. Shortly after this, knowing the effects of MDMA, I went to the toilet and attempted to defecate – with little luck. After this we went out for a smoke break (I don’t smoke myself) and about 45 minutes later, I still couldn’t feel any of the effects. It was at this point we took the rest of the pills. A few minutes after this, a song I love was put on, and it basically acted like a codeword to a sleeper agent – from here the night was on.

It began with the come-up – the upswelling of a great joy within, a heavenly tingling feeling throughout the body. I found myself far more sociable with Swede’s friends (I am not overly socially awkward, but it is accurate to say that I can be quite reserved in social situations. I left the room to make an excitable phone call with another friend about meeting up (it is at this point I realised I was talking far faster than usual, as if I desired to say everything at once). Shortly after, we left the flat for the woods.

In the woods, I noticed the cool air felt fantastic on my skin. One of Swede’s friends had a Bluetooth speaker and my favourite music felt impossibly good, like the pinnacle of songwriting. I freely engaged in conversation with his friends, asking about what they studied and talking about my dreams and ambitions. About 30 minutes after dropping, I started messaging one of my friends on my phone. I was so enraptured in this conversation, that I stopped paying attention to where I was walking. Suddenly, I felt nothing where the ground should be, and took a 6 foot fall into a stream that came up to my waist. I was quickly helped out, and at the time felt no pain, and continued walking with the others for another 2-2.5 hours. During this time the rush of the MDMA continued unabated.

Around 3 hours after dropping, we arrived back at my friends room, where I noticed that my knee was in some pain, and walking was difficult – after changing into loser clothing (I had been wearing skinny jeans) and borrowing a walking stick from one of Swede’s friends. We set off for some hill, and as we made our way there I noticed the MDMA high ebb and the pain in my knee increase. Once we got to the hill, there was a gate we had to climb, and it was while climbing this that I first felt the sharp shock of pain that would become ever so familiar. From this point on in the night, I could not walk unaided. We sat on the hill for a while, overlooking much of the area, and I found the rush of the MDMA replaced by a kind of serenity, a serenity I would say produced by the lingering effects of the MDMA and the setting. During the walk to the hill, and the time spent on the hill (around 50 minutes) I took another pill – however, this had no effect, as I was definitely in the comedown, feeling tired and increasingly in pain. After 15 minutes or so walking, we came to a vending machine, and by this point I was so mentally drained I asked one of Swede’s friends how it operated.

The story from here is rather long so I shall cut it short. I laid on Swede’s bed in pain for the rest of the morning, unable to move my knee without a sharp sting of pain. Eventually I called the NHS 111 (Non-emergency number) who suggested I go to the hospital. After a difficult trip there, they informed me that one of the tendons in my knee had ripped a chunk of bone out 2mm – in effect, I had a broken leg, and remained on crutches for 2 months before I could start aided walking. The effects of the MDMA were such that not only did I not feel the initial shock of the fall, but that over the course of over 2 more hours of walking – which is no doubt what exacerbated the initial injury such that it caused the bone to detach – it wasn’t until the drugs effects began to wane that I had any idea I had suffered a serious injury. In the days after I felt some degree of depression, partially due to the injury but also partially due to the drug (I felt a similar kind of listlessness my first time, a result I chalk down to the excessive amounts I have taken).

Overall, despite the disastrous results of the fall, I have not been dissuaded from using MDMA again - the incident was the result of my unfamiliarity with the area and my inattentiveness to my surroundings. I will, however, ensure that next time I will do it in either a familiar environment, or a relatively safer one (such as a club).

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110797
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 27, 2017Views: 6,953
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MDMA (3) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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