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The Best Worst High
Citation:   Austin. "The Best Worst High: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp110879)". Mar 9, 2021.

T+ 0:00
400 mg oral Diphenhydramine
  T+ 0:30 400 mg oral Diphenhydramine
Well, I'm here to share my experience of the horrible yet pleasant drug. I was home schooled at the time so I had all the free time in the world. Being home schooled comes with constant bordem and lonleyness. So it's nice to treat myself every once in a while, I decided that today is the day to get my tits blasted off, so I downed 400mg of diphenhydramine and started playing on my computer while I waited for the effects.

After about 30 minutes I decided I want today to be a crazy yet fun day, so I downed another 400mg. The ball of anxiety and the blurred vision crept up on me from out of nowhere. The constant fear and felling of sinking into my chair weighed on my shoulders. The need to piss has never been greater in my life. If taken this drug dozens of times before but it knew, this one, this one was going to be different. The feeling of being watched and yet in a euphoric way rushed my body like waves over and over again. Everything sounds like it's coming through a filter, like I was wearing ear muffs. Time moved at a ungodly slow speed. I saw one of my dogs at my feet, I reached down to pet her, my hand went through her and I almost collapsed onto the floor for the emense body load that I was feeling at the time. I saw colors that I had never seen before, heard sounds that I knew went there but I couldn't tell for sure if the weren't. Hearing music and voices and just generally weird shit, it put me in a state of fear, but I loved it at the same time.

I decided that I should get some fresh air so I went for a walk. The road glimmerd in the night, like it hard glitter and diamonds spread through out it. I was amazed by it. With every step I took down that road I felt warmer and grew weaker, some how I found the strength to make it back to my house where I dropped on my bed in a state of exaustion the I had never felt before. I stared at my ceiling fan in a intense state of delirium, my ceiling was a dark shade of purple, and my fan was spinning at such and intense speed I though it was going to fly off it's mount.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110879
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 9, 2021Views: 1,195
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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