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No Problem Here
Citation:   Walker. "No Problem Here: An Experience with Kratom (exp110886)". Oct 25, 2018.

  oral Kratom (capsule)
Due to compression fractures in my back I have had moderate to severe pain since 2006 with very little relief from traditional medicine. So dealing with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, I discovered Kratum a few years ago and doing some research decided to try it.

Kratum was a God-send. I put it in pill form (300-500mg maybe, I'm not sure) and It relieved my sharp pains with no noticeable side-effect and dulled the dull pains more so I have more mobility. I have never 'needed' to take it every day (or more than once a day like I did with prescription pain pills)
I have never 'needed' to take it every day (or more than once a day like I did with prescription pain pills)
; and I was tired of being looked at like some drug addict filling prescriptions.

I've never had any mental effects or dependence with it, if anything I could use a nap during the day. As much as I've used it I have never developed any dependency on it except an addiction to less pain. I've tried using a 'cocktail' of OTC medications but that's only good for 3 or 4 hours plus the damage to your liver etc. My dosage lasts over 6-hours and there's no rush for more, it would have to be a really bad day. While I don't need to take it every day for it to work, it does seem to help keep a consistency, but even taking it every day and stopping - no big deal.

Since then I have developed lung cancer, stage-4 inoperable. I don't take Kratum as much as there's not much information on its effect with chemotherapy so I don't want to chance it, but I do still take it on occasion when their traditional pain meds (opioids, etc) aren't working and I need something that does work (I'm not big on the idea of cannibus either).

I have witnessed no reason whatsover that this Kratum should be moderated in any way, but then, I don't understand any addiction so I guess it's an individual thing and what works for your system.

For arthritis, general body pain, things of that nature without any psychological effects, it has my blessing.

Exp Year: 2003-2017ExpID: 110886
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2018Views: 1,321
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Kratom (203) : Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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