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Crazy Shit
Citation:   seoulangel. "Crazy Shit: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp11099)". Jul 10, 2019.

14 g oral Nutmeg (liquid)
My curiosity was piqued when a few of my friends related their experience with nutmeg. At the time, I couldn't believe it and did no research on the issue, but instead, decided to try it out myself. For you to appreciate this, I need to tell you some facts. I am only 100 pounds and 5'4'. My three friends (who did this together) were all male, between 5'9' to 6'1' and definitely over 160 pounds. The day I chose was one of the days during the week of a national competition that I was at.

My friends (not the guys who tried this already) and I were sitting in my hotel room waiting for Seb (my best friend) to measure out 14 grams of nutmeg for me. Let me tell you, that is a LOT of fucking nutmeg! So I dumped it all in a cup, swirled it around with water and drank it down. My god was it disgusting! The acrid flavor clung to the back of my throat and I could feel my stomach riot as went down (but wanted to come back up).

Anyway, we sat around watching movies and periodically someone asked me if I felt anything - which I didn't. Several hours went by with nothing, so, disappointed, I went to bed. The next morning, my teacher was shaking me awake (apparently no one could get me up) and as soon as I opened my eyes, the ceiling spun like crazy. I couldn't see straight. I felt drunk. Worse, I tried to get out of bed, but couldn't move my limbs at all and ended up rolling out and falling pretty much face flat on the floor. From there, I proceeded to crawl (miserably) to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. Several times. Well, I couldn't walk for shit so people carried me around and once we got to the competition I was in a daze. Things floated in and out and my tongue felt thick. I couldn't talk and didn't really want to. So I fell in and out of sleep...unfortunately, I know people told me stories or asked me things during this time, but to this day I can not remember anything. It was as if I suffered a blackout. I will never touch that shit ever again.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 11099
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 100
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 1,195
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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