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A Myriad of Rooms
Salvia divinorum
by Mark
Citation:   Mark. "A Myriad of Rooms: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp1112)". Apr 1, 2001.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum
  T+ 0:59 1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum
The other night I was fortunate to be able to try some Salvia for the first time. A friend and I had just purchased some 5x extact, and by the time night rolled around, I was getting anxious to try some. I felt a little jittery about it, so I decided I would wait until I was comfortable before smoking any. At one point I noticed that my nerves had calmed down considerably, so I loaded a small amount into my water pipe, inhaled what I would consider to be a medium-sized hit, and held it in for about 20 seconds.

As I exhaled, I began to feel that there was a large tree behind me, wrapping its roots around me and pulling me towards it. I realized that it wanted to tell me something, but at this point I was starting to come down, and I failed to glean any information from it. I was disappointed. I felt like a door had been opened, and beyond it was an experience of great intensity and power, but I had been unable to pass though it. I was determined to try again.

About an hour later, I decided it was time to revisit Salvia space. I loaded up a considerable amount into my pipe and inhaled it all in one massive drag. What happened next is almost beyond words...

I layed back, feeling the effects of the drug coming on rather quickly. I saw my friend's hammock suspended in the air above me, so I reached out and grabbed it. At that moment, I was transported to some kind of playground,where I was holding on to a chainlink fence. I could hear the playful voices of children all around me, and this made me happy. I saw a large building in the distance, and a school bus passing in front of it. Suddenly I was on the school bus, and looking at the building as I passed. I became aware that there were millions of rooms in this building, all of them quite similar. I began focusing on one of them, and I realized that it was the room I was in, complete with my friend sitting there looking at me. It seemed strange that he was staring at me, because I felt that I should be the observer in this situation. As I looked at my friend, and the room around me, I slowly started to drift back into reality. About ten minutes later, I felt completely normal again and smoked some cannabis to finish out the night.

This experience was very positive. I feel that I learned that I am only a small part of the massive aggregation of humans on our planet. I think I will make further contact with Salvia in the future.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1112
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 1, 2001Views: 9,346
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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