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Advice from Bruce Lee
Citation:   Anonymous. "Advice from Bruce Lee: An Experience with LSD (exp111468)". Apr 19, 2018.

3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I had done LSD four times before this trip, but the most I had ever taken was two tabs. I had some money and a urge to have a huge trip with one of my best friends, so I bought six tabs. My guy said they were really potent and to be careful with them. I ended up taking three and my friend who had never done acid took one. About an hour and a half later I started feeling really fried and started seeing some of the strongest visuals I have ever felt.

We were at my friend's house smoking some weed when my little brother called me at around 8:00 PM. He sounded worried and said that our dad was supposed to pick him up for basketball practice but wasn't there. I told my brother to walk home and that I'd be there soon to check on my dad. The trip started going bad at this point. My friend and I had to walk through a very sketchy area at night surrounded by crack heads and goons. We were pretty creeped out but we had to see if my dad was okay.

We made it to my house and it turns out my dad had just gotten drunk again. My brother got home and was railing against our alcoholic father for forgetting that he needed to pick my brother up. I started really tripping in the next room and felt really embarrassed.

My friend went home and I felt like the night was ruined. I was the highest I've ever been in my life and everything was moving and changing colors very rapidly, and I couldn't stop thinking about the problems in my life. I closed my eyes and I started hearing this old Chinese flute music, and all of a sudden I was in this beautiful place full of colorful trees, rolling grass mountains and a river at the center. The river had rocks in the middle and I could hear the water flowing, it was all very detailed and felt real. All of a sudden I felt some type of presence. I looked to my side and I saw a young Bruce Lee. This kind of creeped me out but made me happy at the same time, because Bruce Lee is a huge inspiration to me. Then I started speaking to him.

I said 'Damn, Bruce. My life is all types of messed up. I have an alcoholic dad, we're losing our house soon and my friend just had to see all the shit that just happened.' Then Bruce looked at me in the eyes and then pointed at the river. He said, 'Your life is just like this river. There may be rocks and obstacles in the way, but it keeps on flowing just as you will. You are 17, you will be an adult soon and all will be well.' Immediately after he said that my eyes flew open and it was like a huge realization moment. It calmed me down so much and after that the rest of my trip went very well.

To this day if I start getting stressed I think of that place and moment and it calms me down greatly. It was the most rich psychedelic experience I've ever had.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111468
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 1,250
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