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Yogic Power and Infinite Pleasure
Husca Combo (Syrian Rue & A. peregrina)
Citation:   lilimpe. "Yogic Power and Infinite Pleasure: An Experience with Husca Combo (Syrian Rue & A. peregrina) (exp111510)". Sep 24, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3.5-4.0 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  T+ 1:00 5 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera peregrina (ground / crushed)
Preparation of the seeds of Syrian seeds (3.5/4g) and Anadenanthera Peregrina + lime (5 seeds per person). Inti, his father Jean and me. Rosie the Brazilian shaman with us does not take part of it that day.

I drank the infusion of seeds, with a little less difficulty than the previous times. We prepare the ceremony, the candle, a Manuel of incantation, and a Tepi (the tool to apply the snuff/rapé ). After 1 hour Inti is the first one to take the yopo, I take the second, then Jean. The effects show themselves very quickly, Inti begins to space out. I see a low quality/low opacity hallucination of blue color peculiar to the DMT, in all the field of my closed eyes vision. I say to myself that that is certainly going to stagnate in this intensity. Annnd no.

Suddenly I am taken by violent nausea, I run up to the toilet and vomit my guts during at least 30 minutes ( no notion of time). The appearance of the room totally changed, I am definitely in the DMT space. I try with great difficulty to piss, then re vomited later. The sensations are terribly intense, when I touch the wash basin I have the impression that I touch myself, similar for the lavatory pan. All the dimensions are stretched out, all is divine and majestic. Jean lets me know that he would like to go to the toilet, I go out of the room with some difficulties. The hallucinations disorientate me, I concentrate, drink some water and spread out on the ground. The sensations are increasing, I was never so conscious of my body, I have the impression to be a yogi and have mystical powers. I can put my limbs in any position, but I decide to remain lying face against ground. Little by little I return in the same mental space as my last trip of mushroom, I become again in unity with everybody I know. Inti looks at me, I know that he lives the same thing as I, he shouts ' IT IS INCREDIBLE ' loudly but softly. My physical reality loses its sense more I become 1, I piss above, because the distinction between me and the urine will not soon exist any more.

A super-complex analysis of my life appears in my perception.

We run after something which does not exist and which has never existed, everything is here now. The highest level of pleasure and satisfaction is just in front of our eyes since the beginning. We follow a way which leads nowhere because everything is already reached. At the end of an infinity I begin to wonder what I am now going to make if everything is already reached and that I am alone. I decide to become again amnesic to relive the experience that I have already lived a infinite number of times, the search for meaning, for happiness or for the answer to something, 'Life'. There is a very strange phase that I do not manage to give some explanation around sexuality and around our philosophies of life turned in ridiculous. I open my eyes and observe the father of inti who maintain Inti by holding a mala rosary and who recites 'Frère Jacques' (a french nursery for children). After that he comes to speak to me about my tattoo, I do not understand why he tells me that. The room is in a nameless chaos, Inti asks me if I remember something, I tell him that I remember nothing to show him that I am lost as much as him. I have the impression that my life is ended and that I am going to remain empty all my life because I finished the game, I understood and everything is ended. A stream of questioning arrives at my consciousness, I do not know any more if people around me really exist or if they are just one of my creations.
I do not know any more if people around me really exist or if they are just one of my creations.
What I am going to make of my life now, I am going to stay in a corner and let myself die?

The confusion begins to disappear very slowly, Jean speaks about the ego and about the search for answer, the fact that I should not ask myself so much questions because that leads nowhere.. Inti gives me a cuddle which comforts me enormously. We go to bed finally. A few minutes later I ask Inti to go out with me to speak, because I suppose that he is also disturbed as I. We enter the hall toilet, he explains to me that he lived the same experience as me. Standing around talking about it, is useless. The trip which we have just lived exceeds the boundary of words, we go to bed for good that time.

In the morning I wake up with the memory of an insect in high definition.

(Certain parts of the trip are not mentioned because too complex to describe. The words limit the understanding of the experience which takes place in a mental state beyond this.)

PS: Inti entered a trance state and he was hitting the wall in the room and broke a computer.

PS1: I had the same experience with 12.5g of some mushrooms cubensis and syrian rue.

PS2: Sorry for English level, I talk French usually

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111510
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 24, 2018Views: 2,149
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Anadenanthera peregrina (285), Syrian Rue (45), Huasca Combo (269) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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