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Every Inanimate Object Had Its Own Breathing
2C-B & Cannabis
Citation:   Deadyheady. "Every Inanimate Object Had Its Own Breathing: An Experience with 2C-B & Cannabis (exp111517)". May 21, 2018.

24 mg oral 2C-B (gel tab)
  3.5 g smoked Cannabis  
Phenethylamines for the First Time

At the time it was November and I had picked up a 10 strip of some fluff LSD dosed at 105mics and 2 gel tabs consisting of 12mg, 2C-B each. I had planned on taking something I had that night with some friends. Luckily we had all met up at my friends house in a nearby town and they were all down to fry but I favored the 2C-B and they were kinda skeptical never hearing of the 2C’s.

I had reassured them it was similar to mescaline chemically and when you’re trippin that people compare it to LSD and MDMA. A moment after we all dropped our doses we were headed to a local fast food place in hopes of getting some food before every store was closed. (keep in mind it was about 8:45pm) By the time we had gotten there I’d say it took about 15 minutes and I was the only one really starting to feel the effects of the drugs, mainly the body load that I was told about, but that quickly vanished around the time we arrived at the fast food restaurant.

They were cleaning up and closed for the night so we had wasted some time. Now high in the middle of town I had a rush of energy but it was more of an electric buzzing feeling or a tingling sensation from the back of my neck to the bottom of my back. This sensation would either grow and give me euphoric chills or I’d completely accept this and laugh along, it was very 2 sided but both were so very enjoyable.
This sensation would either grow and give me euphoric chills or I’d completely accept this and laugh along, it was very 2 sided but both were so very enjoyable.
Once I got into the feel of the drug it was very centered around the love of the group I was with. One was worried the other two may have been too high because one of my buddy's hadn't fried for a year so it hit him pretty hard along with his buddy who took 2 tabs. They were very high all night which seemed like they were still frying by the morning. Most of my high had dissipated by the morning and I had a nice after glow which I could get used to. But a very notable thing about the experience was the visual changes I had gotten them more than any other. Every inanimate object had its own breathing not similar to Psilocybin or LSD but in its own mixed natural/colorful visuals including overlapping geometry, which was mind blowing when I started to smoke weed because it had synergized so well.

The euphoria had felt like it would carry out much longer than suddenly died off or flickered off and on like a euphoric MDMA roll.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111517
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: May 21, 2018Views: 1,125
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2C-B (52) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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