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Russian Ritalin
Citation:   dotcommunist. "Russian Ritalin: An Experience with Phenibut (exp111608)". Feb 25, 2018.

1 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
  500 mg oral Smarts - Phenibut
I first stumbled upon Phenibut when researching obscure drugs online. After discovering that it supposedly packed the same euphoric 'punch' as alcohol or benzodiazepines without impairing consciousness, I was naturally excited, and even more so when I discovered that UK vendors were still selling it after the draconian Psychoactive Substances Act 2016. I purchased a bottle of 90 vegetarian caps containing 500mg phenibut, and got to work discovering this rather exciting throwback to the Soviet era.

Sadly, I abused it and it turned around and bit me on the arse. If 1g was euphoric, then I figured 2g would be even more so, and in no time at all I was up to 3000-4000mg per serving, going out and drinking insane amounts on top of that. It gave me the confidence to start a new relationship, only to be the downfall of the same relationship. Phenibut is great when taken in moderation, disastrous when misused and potentially lethal when combined with excessive amounts of drink. Disgusted, I never looked back until a year on, when I was living back with my mother and had found a new sense of moderation, along with a sudden lack of weed due to my dealer retiring.

I've used cannabis for 14 years, starting at age 14 when I began using it for its miraculous effect on autism (I have Asperger Syndrome). When my supply ran out, I panicked
I've used cannabis for 14 years, starting at age 14 when I began using it for its miraculous effect on autism (I have Asperger Syndrome). When my supply ran out, I panicked
and found myself trawling the internet for stupid shit like kratom and poppy seeds - and then I recalled the powerful, mysterious and potentially disastrous phenibut. With nothing to lose, I went on (vendor omitted) and ordered 2 bottles of 90 capsules each, this time at 250mg per capsule because the old vendor discontinued the product.

I take a gramme (4 capsules) in the morning, 2 hours before I have to do anything. I follow this up with 500mg in the afternoon and then I'm all set for the day. I do this for 3 days, then take 2 days off to offset tolerance. At 1g, the effect is very much like that of a small dose of amphetamine sulphate (UK speed) coupled with 2-3 pints of real ale. Lively, talkative yet super-calm and not too manic. Like I'm focused yet not worried about anything. A very real 'buzz' which is close enough to sobriety to allow me through the doors of any licensed premises, yet which allows me to enjoy a night out without drinking anything more than a couple of piss-weak alcopops.

I have to be careful. Careful not to increase the dose beyond 2g a day max, careful not to use beyond 3 days without 2 days' break, careful not to turn a miracle drug into the mother of all nightmares. It's a wonderful substance with a lot of potential, it's a secret I safeguard lest the draconian capitalist Conservatives ban it if it becomes too popular, yet it's also a dangerous substance in its own right and must be respected as well as feared. Exercise caution, comrades. Peace.

Update 4 Months Later

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111608
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 5,067
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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