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A Sort Of Homecoming
Salvia divinorum
by Andy
Citation:   Andy. "A Sort Of Homecoming: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp11178)". Jan 20, 2018.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum
I had my first experience of Salvia last night. I can only say I was totally unprepared for what was about to happen.

I had come across Salvia whilst out Xmas shopping - it was for sale totally legally in an alternative shop in my home town (a UK town). I hadn't heard of it before - to be honest I thought it was just another 'herbal high' of which I generally loathe but being stashless this seemed like a convenient way of getting a little hit - how wrong I was!

I was at home with my wife - our kids having just happily been settled for the night. We had dinner in the oven, it was a totally normal evening.

I loaded up a deep bowled pipe and took the first of my two hits - I took the whole bowl and kept it in for as long as I could and instantly on release felt the familiar 'brightening' of the room and the feeling of becoming slightly detached from where I was. I recall trying to explain to my wife that I was experiencing the 'tunnelling of vision' which is so familiar of a trip.

I was also very giggly at this point and found the whole situation rather hysterical. My wife went off to finish sorting dinner out, and I loaded up the pipe and took another huge hit closing my eyes as I held it in deeply. It felt like forever when I finally opened them. when I did I was just so aware of a familiar feeling of coming back home - not to a place but to a state that I knew so well. I knew I had glimpsed the state that we exist in before our time on this plain (the reality - if you like) and saw how my time here and that of my wife and kids and neighbors and the whole of our society as a whole was relatively unimportant - not depressingly so but rather reassuringly so. Why worry about work, jobs, money etc? ultimately we will return to the overall state of a higher awareness when these things mean nothing. It was reassuring to visit this place and feel comfortable with it all.

When my wife returned to the room and asked how 'the spaceman was getting on' I tried in a very uneloquent way to put this across and indeed I believe one either knows the state to which I refer or one has note yet visited it. I could only pick up the bag of Salvia and wave it at her and tell her that it was to be revered for it was a gift from the goddess - a truly powerful herb that is nothing like a cannabis hit - and yet much warmer and more comfortable than mushrooms or LSD.

My only regret is that as I wasn't aware of what I was about to experience I rather rushed the whole experience. Next time I will ensure I am in the lounge with some chilled tunes and low lighting. My only complaint would be that when ever I have visited my alternative reality I feel almost 'homesick' for it - it is something I can neither explain or fully understand. I just know.

Maybe Salvia can be used to provide answers to questions or to gain direction when reassurance is needed - I look forward to experimenting again.

One final thing - this is not a party thing - I wouldn't want to use it in a crowded room full of strangers - it would be too weird, although the comedown is pretty quick and very painless.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11178
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2018Views: 1,197
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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