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Shooting Black Hours After Drinking
Alcohol, Heroin (Black Tar) & Cigarettes
Citation:   Delsym420. "Shooting Black Hours After Drinking: An Experience with Alcohol, Heroin (Black Tar) & Cigarettes (exp111928)". Aug 19, 2020.

64 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  0.5 g IV Heroin (tar / resin)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
[Erowid Note: Interactions between opioids and other drugs can be very dangerous. By some estimates, over 95% of opioid-related deaths involve an opioid combined with at least one additional medication or drug, most commonly a sedative or depressant (alcohol, benzodiazepines, or another opioid).]
This experience occurred recently, my first time shooting up tar, my 2nd time using H. A little Background information.

I have been a somewhat heavy drug user since I turned 18, drinking almost daily, smoking weed almost daily, tripping on robitussin often (dxm sigma) on a frequent basis. I have smoked meth several times, a high I enjoy quite a bit, taken ephedrine HCL, taken high doses of xanax in various combinations, drunk poppy seed tea several times, inhaled butane/nitrous, diphenhydramine, Datura innoxia, kratom, salvia, taken MDMA once, as well as other drugs I can't think of at the moment. I am no drug noob, but I have yet to try pcp, ketamine, or psychedelics. Perhaps one day I will be lucky enough to get some mushrooms or LSD. I have severe social anxiety and drugs make me forget about my fears
I have severe social anxiety and drugs make me forget about my fears
, so naturally they appeal to me.

I will start by saying that I do enjoy opiates, but they are not my D.O.C., being xanax, meth, and weed. I will also state that shooting up is a considerably stronger high than just smoking Black, but it of course has its dangers. The dope I used was dark brown in color, with a similar appearance to a hash patty. Not knowing how to properly shoot, I had some friends assist me.

They helped me prep the syringe, and even finding a good vein, we pulled the syringe up until we drew a little blood, then shot the load. Withing 2-3 minutes I noticed the rush, a strong opiate haze, similar to the way xanax feels, I was nodding, I felt good but not nearly as good as I do while on a strong dose of meth, this intoxication was very relaxing but not as euphoric as the hype it's made out to be. It is worth noting that I actually didn't feel the rush as I unloaded the syringe, but I felt it around a minute after shooting. I walked over behind a dumpster and started nodding off hard, I hit the right amount, nodding hard but not quite enough to make me pass out, it was a struggle to stay awake, and my body was warm and relaxed with pleasure. I felt detached from my body. Somewhat numb.

The rush was comparable to a high dose of xanax in terms of euphoria/sedation, but the high itself was less sociable than xanax. I was nodding off for several hours and managed to stay awake. Unlike poppy seed tea, the itching wasn't noticeable during the peak, but I starting scratching myself several hours after using. There was little nausea as well. The numbness wasn't initial, but I did notice strong numbness as well as a strong sense of detachment roughly 2-3 hours after. The nodding persisted for a good 4-5 hours.

Numbness, a sense of detachment, nodding, and itching persisted well into the night. A little nausea was noticeable, but less than when smoking it. The high overall was much stronger. I can see why this method is preferred, a little goes a long way. Smoking cigarettes was much more enjoyable than being sober, I would have chain smoked had I a pack to spare. My confidence was boosted, somewhat similar to, but less obnoxious than with alcohol. A more mellow buzz than alcohol, but just as euphoric.

It's surprising I didn't vomit considering I shot up around .5g my first time, especially after drinking two 32- ounce bottles of bud ice a few hours beforehand. I guess I have the constitution of an elephant, a gift and a curse lol. Shooting up is a nice, mellow way to kill time to just relax, but honestly Heroin isn't quite as euphoric as the hype it's made out to be. Stay educated and stay safe my friends. You only live once, don't throw away your life just to get extra extra high.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111928
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Aug 19, 2020Views: 1,445
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Heroin (27) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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