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No Dark Corners
Citation:   Alexander Shulgin. "No Dark Corners: An Experience with Peyote (exp111994)". Jun 2, 2018.

  oral Peyote (ground / crushed)
[This observation originally appeared as handwritten notes in Book 2, Shulgin Lab Books.]

pg. 122 - peyote

++ 7 buttons 13g A.Lewinii: 65g (35 buttons, old) ground to powder -> 56g solids,
3.5g tufts. Soak in total wt 400ml H2O. 80g ATS, 80g AP. 10:30AM=[0:00] 6/9/79. Malaise [0:30 to 1:00] - effects f. 0:45 to ~3:00 or 4:00 plateau - to ++ ATS some imagery - no mescaline movement, little color AP - slower but deeper - nausea at ~[0:45] - time slowed - friendly intox - no dark corners - 1st drop ~[5:30] and voluntary to ~[10:00] my overall ++ or a shade under; AP ++.5 Remaining 3/5 frozen. Note - original taste almost impossibly ugly. Retasting at [6:00] - slightly sweet and the aftertaste completely friendly!!

Exp Year: 1979ExpID: 111994
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 54
Published: Jun 2, 2018Views: 4,624
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Peyote (42) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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