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An Anxiety Free Day
DL-Phenylalanine, L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, Cannabis & Methadone
Citation:   andytom. "An Anxiety Free Day: An Experience with DL-Phenylalanine, L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, Cannabis & Methadone (exp112095)". Nov 15, 2020.

T+ 0:00
500 mg oral Phenylalanine  
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral Theanine  
  T+ 0:00     Smarts  
  T+ 1:15 70 mg oral Methadone (liquid)
  T+ 1:45 1 hit smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:45 1500 mg oral Tyrosine  
  T+ 1:45 50 mg oral GABA  
  T+ 1:45 50 mg oral Rhodiola rosea  
An Anxiety Free Day With DLPA (And Friends)!

Methadone HCL-70mg
Coffee fruit concentrate-100mg
Rhodiola Root-50mg
Huperzia Leaf-100mg
Cannabis-Repeated Smoked

I started this stack experience on the bright, Thursday morning of June 28th. This is my experience of the day with all of these nootropics/supplements in my system.

I woke up at about 4:00 AM and stirred a bit in my bed, I still had an hour and a half before I had to report to the clinic for my daily dose of Methadone HCL (70mg and decreasing by 3mg weekly). For a little bit of context, I am a former heroin abuser (always an addict) and for the last approximately two years I have been free of illicit opiates and other illicit/prescription drugs of abuse. The only scheduled substances I consume on a regular basis are the aforementioned Methadone and cannabis. I love Cannabis and it will always be something I use to help me feel just a bit better than I generally do, without any sort of substance affecting my brain.


At 4:30AM I consume 500mg DL-Phenylalanine along with 200mg L-Theanine. I find it helps the morning sickness I experience because of my current Methadone detox. It also helps enormously with my Social Anxiety. Generally speaking, the 15 minutes I spend back to front with other patients in line at the Methadone clinic is an almost guaranteed panic attack. In my head I am constantly worried to the max about someone seeing that I am sweating profusely under my arms and on my forehead, recognizing me from a former drug relationship and either asking me for money, offering me drugs, or something of that sort. There's just a million terrible possibilities that run through my head once I'm in that line waiting to be dosed. Last Friday, I went to a store in search of natural anxiety remedies that could assist me in getting my life back, My anxiety usually keeps me inside the house, unable to really function in the world. Thank god my family supports me for the most part providing that I maintain house upkeep, cook the meals, and do other assorted chores and errands. Anyways, I return with a bottle of 100ct DLPA-500mg, 90ct L-Theanine-200mg, and in my personal stock I already had a jar of a nootropic powder that contains everything on the list except for the DLPA, L-Theanine, and caffeine.


It is now 5:00 AM and I'm not feeling any noticable effects yet. I brush my teeth, wash my face, comb my hair, and apply my peppermint odoured beard balm. After that I turn of all the outside lights and such and even decide to empty the dishwasher. The dishwasher is something I hate doing so I am thinking the DLPA is kicking in and helping to give me a more positive outlook, but who knows.


Fast forward now I am waiting in line at the clinic to get my dose. I'm actually experiencing no social anxiety at all and I know this must be more than Placebo effects. I actually engage in a 15 minute conversation with a few other patients near me in line and the check in guy as we are waiting. Literally this is a 180 for me. Usually I sit there, blankly staring at my phone with my hoodie hiding my insecurities while I wait until it's my turn to walk up and get dosed. So far so good. I say good morning to Yaya and gratefully suck down the devilish cherry-red liquid. It tastes terrible but it's the only thing that has kept me away from Heroin for an extended period of time.


I return home, and along with breakfast I smoke my first hit of cannabis for the day. This immediately transforms my reality into a much more brightly colored, psychedelic landscape and I am euphoric as well as relaxed. Upstairs, while listening to some great tunes by A Tribe Called Quest, I mix 1 scoop of the Nootropic Powder, which is primarily L-Tyrosine, into 4 oz of orange juice and toss it back. I start to browse reddit and youtube, as is customary for me in the morning time. I am not only feeling NO anxiety, but I also feel focused in a very calm and blissful type of way. Not the type of focus that an Adderall XR capsule would provide but quite the opposite. None of the unnecessary energy or anxiety with all of the concentration.


I'm going to conclude part 1 here. Overall, I think that these supplements in conjunction with one another and paired with my daily cannabis/methadone I was much more productive, energized, and focused. I experienced almost no anxiety, and I will definitely be returning to the aid of L-Theanine and DLPA whenever I need a mood boost and a calming focus. As far as the Nootropic Powder I could take it or leave it. The only discernible effects because of the large amount of ingredients in it was the Tyrosine, which gave me energy and helped me focused but also had my heart pounding and anxiety increasing. After this experience I am open to trying more Nootropics and Supplements that don't really have a high addiction potential. I really would love to try Phenibut, but have heard far too many horror stories to convince myself it's worth it.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112095
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 15, 2020Views: 1,601
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Phenylalanine (445), Theanine (413), Cannabis (1), Methadone (166) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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