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Flying Through Music
Pregabalin & Cannabis
Citation:   nervous norvus. "Flying Through Music: An Experience with Pregabalin & Cannabis (exp112113)". Jun 3, 2021.

T+ 0:00
300 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (capsule)
  T+ 1:45 1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
BODY WEIGHT: 10.5 st
Lyrica became one of my favorite drugs after trying and I'm glad I find it hard or too expensive to obtain, because I can see the likely abuse potential in this odd but powerful drug.

First time - 300mg

00:00 Chilling out in my bedroom and I'm feeling excited about trying Lyrica recreationally after reading about its effects so I took six 50mg capsules of Lyrica with water.

00:45 I took a shower to help pass the time for the pills to kick in and by the end of my shower I start to feel quite euphoric and cheerful.

01:00 In my kitchen and feeling pleased that the Lyrica is getting more pleasant and I made something to eat and went back to my bedroom.

01:20 Sat down by my computer feeling excited to listen to music which was really uplifting and enjoyable kinda feels like a low dose of shrooms at this point.

01:45 I decided to roll a joint because things seem to be going really well and felt more trippy and stoned after finishing the joint.

02:00 I'm flying real high, music has become really satisfying and ridiculous good. Smoking that joint has really made an improvement to this experience.

04:00 feels like this is as good as its gonna get and start to feel sleepy so I go to bed feeling awesome and fell asleep no bother.

11:00 Woke up next day feeling great with a slight buzz that went away an hour later.

I only did Lyrica with dosages from 50-200 mg afterwards because I did 300mg the following week and felt a mixture of good and weird effects, started freaking a bit that I was gonna black out or something. 50-150 mg is good for anxiety/restlessness or if I want to have a blast but not get too messed up.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 112113
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 1,387
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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