Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Bad/Suspect Ecstasy & Cannabis
Citation:   Mouette. "Paranoia...: An Experience with Bad/Suspect Ecstasy & Cannabis (exp112131)". Oct 22, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral Bad/Suspect Ecstasy
  T+ 24:00   smoked Cannabis
I have a lot of experience with MDMA and I know for sure that what I took wasn't MDMA, or at least there wasn't a lot of it in the pill. I've always bought MDMA from the same dealer, in fact I've been buying various drugs from him for 2 years and I've always had good experiences. Not this time.

I took a pill when I was alone at home. Thirty minutes later, I start to feel some euphoria, but not as strong as I usually do when I take MDMA. I was watching TV in my bedroom and I was having a good time.

Then, around 30 minutes later (so one hour after taking the pill), I started to see the tv as if it I had put it on double speed. Lisa Simpson was going way faster than she used to! I blinked to try to see it normal again and it didn't work, I wasn't able to see it on normal speed, which was bad because it was the only entertainment that I had. I decided to listen to music instead, but I thought it kinda boring, so I put the tv back on again and the high speed was gone, I was able to watch tv normally. Then I looked at my arm and I saw bugs on it... I shaked it off and the bugs never came back again, but I would see my hands and arms as very veiny.

After about 1:30 in the trip, I heard the front door. I was scared because I didn't expect my mom to come back for the day after. I didn't hear anyone in the house, but I was so scared that I decided to go look because I couldn't stand it anymore to not know what was going on. There was no one inside the house, I hallucinated. 10 minutes later, I hear the door again, and there still wasn't anyone in. I checked to see if the door was locked properly and it was. Just to be safe and try to have peace of mind, I also locked all of the windows even if I was on the 2nd level of the appartment building.

I've been watching TV for 20 minutes when I heard the back door. I checked, and still no one was there... I've spent the rest of the evening checking back and forth if everything is locked properly, if someone is in the house, etc. I've even heard some people talking in the living room, but it was just hallucinations.

The next day, I'm still high. I'm not hallucinating as much, but the colors and contours are accentuated. The auditive hallucinations are still there though, I was on the bus to go to a friend's place and I would hear people saying my name, but no one that I knew was there. I arrived at my friend's place and told her that I was still high from an unknown substance. She gave me some weed and I instantly felt better. I was a little higher than usual, but the weird low buzz hangover was gone. The auditive hallucinations were gone, but the fun visual ones were still there.

I don't know for sure what was in that pill. I hated it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 112131
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 22, 2022Views: 313
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Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (567) : Alone (16), Multi-Day Experience (13), What Was in That? (26), Difficult Experiences (5)

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