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Vestiges of a Trip
Citation:   nervewing. "Vestiges of a Trip: An Experience with 4-MeO-MiPT (exp112156)". Jul 18, 2018.

T+ 0:00
40 mg oral 4-MeO-MiPT (liquid)
  T+ 0:50   smoked Cannabis (liquid)
T0:00- 40 mg dissolved in solution because I had eaten a large meal earlier and because I wanted it to come on faster, as it was later into the night.

T0:15- The first notes are subtle- lightheadedness, nausea, and feeling warm and sweaty.

T0:30- The physical effects steadily climb, with a noticeable absence of other effects. It feels as though I have not dosed with a psychoactive drug but rather I’ve just regular old poisoned myself. The nausea climbs higher and higher, I am now shaking and wracked with chills and tremors. My muscles feel tense and uncomfortable, like no position I put them in feels satisfactory.

T0:50- While the predominant feeling is one of discomfort, some of the other features of the experience have begun to manifest
T0:50- While the predominant feeling is one of discomfort, some of the other features of the experience have begun to manifest
, though they are still subtle and barely noticeable. Everything looks brighter and washed out and moving my eyes around leaves ghost images, lending to the overall mild overall blurring of my field of vision. Smoking some cannabis helps alleviate the nausea. I find myself having to urinate very frequently.

T1:15- The same overall feelings of tension and discomfort persist. The spectral afterimages that follow the movement of my eyes and any movement in my field of vision work their way to the forefront of my attention. Cognitively, there is a strong, burnt sense of fading, like fabric losing its color under the bleaching sterile light of the sun. I can lull myself into trances, I feel still like a basking snake, I feel paralyzed yet stimulated deeper in my muscles and bones and nerves, and this contradiction is a source of further discomfort. There are odd colorful streaks at the corners of my vision, though they look more like glitches of my visual field than the usual prismatic imagery from psychedelics. They are poorly-defined and ruddy in color.

T1:20- I feel so thirsty and I keep drinking but any water I attempt to drink just passes right through me. The other effects feel like stray afterthoughts, accidentally letting themselves be known- subtle blips of color, sudden flashes of tracers, all briefly stumbling their way into existence. They seem like they are on the threshold of edging their way into my perception, apprehensive and unsure about whether or not to manifest. They are fluttery, fleeting, and ephemeral. This is not like light threshold effects--rather it feels like the vestiges of a full-fledged psychedelic experience briefly dipping their fingers into this otherwise mild voyage. Even with my eyes closed, there is not much to perceive or grasp on to. I feel mostly functional and sober were it not for the shaking and discomfort.

T2:00- This experience is so light and mild, all of the effects are nothing but brief flashes, disappearing before I can properly grasp ahold of them. It does not feel as though it has affected my emotional or cognitive processes much, other than a sort of robotic analytical perspective on everything and the same rambling thoughts and overanalyzing that comes with almost any substance I take. I feel a bit numb and cold and I am lying very still, the drug has occupied my nerves and muscles and set them down like a blanket of snow.

T3:00- I’ve just been sitting around, reading about nothing, doing nothing, aimlessly browsing the internet. I don’t feel bored and I don’t feel like I’ve wasted my time though. I’ve been aimlessly pursuing thought tangents as most psychedelics and cannabis make me inclined to do. I read a lot about the “Jackass” movies and skimmed through a whole ass documentary about Steve-O’s troubles with drugs? I think I did this after seeing a facebook post about it? Literally everything seems mildly interesting to me.

T4:00- Experience has mostly passed, there is just a little residual weirdness in my head and my focus, things still seem 'off' in a foggy way.

T7:00- Fall asleep with no problem.

Conclusion: This substance isn’t particularly exciting or interesting, just a novelty. I had low expectations for it and they were barely even met. The drug primarily manifested as physical discomfort, with all the other effects being subtle and fleeting. I do not think I will try it again.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112156
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 18, 2018Views: 1,937
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4-MeO-MiPT (404) : Alone (16), General (1)

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