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The Night It Wasn't My Friend
Citation:   Blue Zinnia. "The Night It Wasn't My Friend: An Experience with Caffeine (exp112169)". Jul 19, 2018.

  repeated oral Coffee (liquid)
  4 tablets oral Caffeine  
I was at home in my dorm room, cramming for college senior finals and slamming the caffeine (a whole large pot of coffee & 4 NoDoz) as I pulled an all-nighter. I've always liked caffeine and had never had a second's trouble with it, but apparently hit the OD threshhold.

All of a sudden my heartbeat was fast and completely erratic, and I was having muscle cramps. I tried breathing slowly, which didn't help much. I became afraid my heart was going to stop, but also afraid it wasn't, and would just beat me to death from inside. Looked at the wall, and my favorite poster (a quote from Teilhard de Chardin on a colorful background) was crawling up the wall like a huge spider This terrified me. Then the walls got slightly darker, started to bulge inward, and began to close in like a trash-compactor. I knew when they reached me they'd crush me, and tried to bolt out of the room, but wasn't well enough coordinated, and fell. I don't remember after that, and suspect I fainted from fear, something I'd never done before.
After that, for many years, I was extremely hypersensitive to caffeine and had to avoid it if I didn't want nasty cardiac effects even on small amounts. Never hallucinated again, though.

Exp Year: 1971ExpID: 112169
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 19, 2018Views: 1,118
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Caffeine (11) : Difficult Experiences (5), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1), Alone (16)

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