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Productive Meditation
Citation:   Space Brother C. "Productive Meditation: An Experience with Cocaine (exp112173)". Aug 22, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (liquid)
  1 hit smoked Cannabis (extract)
So, it was a great night, hanging with my parents, creating some great memories, using conversations sprouted from wired minds we had from snorting lines. My mother had gotten tired, had a bit too much to drink and went to bed, leaving my dad and I. He then presented me with his newest invention, a small saline bottle, containing one gram of cocaine. He gives it two puffs to each nostril, and I do the same. The buzz I had gotten was the most powerful one I’ve ever had, not super wired and wanting to walk around, but perfectly stimulated, and content with chilling on the couch.

I eventually decided to tell my dad I wanted to do some meditation. He said that was cool, a bit upset as he was still wired, and I went into the back of our 1971 Volkswagen Bus. There’s a little table with a couch back there, so I took my seat, got comfortable holding a Grateful Dead bear, and took a couple more hits from the saline bottle. I then turned on, Shine on you Crazy Diamond, parts 6-9 because they’re superior, sat back, closed my eyes, and ingulfed myself in slightly wired thoughts. I sat perfectly still and enjoyed the stimulation, thinking about things that’d be recently troubling me. I felt as if my mind was clearer than it’d ever been prior, thoughts that’d I’d previously been bothered by now are funny to me.

After my session of mindful thinking, I took a dab and hit the sack. In the morning I felt refreshed from the experience, I feel as if the substance helped to clear up some mental blocks I’d had, allowing me to think clearly and look at my problems from all angles, then being able to see that they were miniscule in the long run. All in all, cocaine in small doses, from my experience, can be used to help clear up mental blocks, promote creative thinking, and provide a great feeling of all around bliss.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112173
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 1,001
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), Families (41), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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