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The Shape of Water
2C-B & Cannabis
by seal
Citation:   seal. "The Shape of Water: An Experience with 2C-B & Cannabis (exp112210)". Aug 16, 2018.

  oral 2C-B
    repeated smoked Cannabis

The day started normally, everyone in the beach house that me and my friends were staying woke up to a few weed cigarettes. We headed down the nearest beach, that was U-shaped and had an island of sorts engulfed by the central mass of water. The island, which was really more of a big rock, no more than 15 meters in diameter, seemed to be at a swimmable distance - but we were advised not to do so, as numerous past attemps resulted in failure. This was told to me by 'M', the owner of a local bar, who worked by the sand and chilled with customers. Me and my partner, 'G' , planned to roll on an unweighed dose of 2c-b, and did so after grabbing something to eat, at ~13:00 pm. Dosage must have been around 30 or 40mg for both of us.


+ 0:00 - Me and G sit by the sand.

+ 0:10 - A few minutes chilling and no notable effects, other than those expected from cannabis consumption. The little island started to look less out of reach and my mind wondered on how I could get there.

+ 0:25 - M starts chatting with us, and we mention a canoe nearby, asking if it was his property or was for lease. Turns out it was neither, and belonged to a friend of his that was away for the day. Without us asking, M offered the canoe to me and G, imposing a few restrictions to its use. Needless to say, I did not register, as did G. Instructions to not cross to the island were barely understood.

+ 0:30 - After going for a quick smoke, we entered the canoe and grabbed an oar each. Upon entering the water strong feelings of empathy and happiness, as well as profound anxiety relief, became noteworthy. Without hesitation we rowed to the small land mass.

+ 0:35 - Rowing through the ocean felt amazing.

+ 0:45 - Upon arriving on the small island, we pulled up the canoe and oars to a stable location and walked around it, sitting by the water. The rock's dimensions were just big enough to lose sight of the instruments, due to its shape.

+ 0:50 - Feelings of empathy started to focus on G, as we talked and held each other. I felt comfortable with her. As visual patterns slowly built up, the feeling of my skin against hers felt increasingly pleasurable and smooth. The water was slowly rising and I began to experience strong erotic feelings.

+ 0:55 - We began to make out and closing my eyes was a trip in itself. Blissful geometry filled up my perception space as the physical boundaries between my body, G's body and the water felt increasingly blurry. The little things of the space that surrounded me - her lips, the water splashing on us, the rock against my back, the feeling of our bodies touching. A peculiar sense of a somewhat static euphoria filled me up - an incredible but relaxed joy to be alive.
A peculiar sense of a somewhat static euphoria filled me up - an incredible but relaxed joy to be alive.
When we began to make love, no feelings of shame or fear that the act was being held in public came across me, nor did feelings of excitement. I felt nothing in regards to the physical space/context around me, in a weird state of mindfulness never previously achieved.

The sex itself felt like it never did before - on any drug or sober. Paradoxically, the physical feeling was simultaneously esoteric and absurdly ''bodily'' or sensible. The gentle waves that brushed us gave a very dynamic but magical feeling to the situation, and the experience was indescribable and unforgettable.

+- 1:10(?) - As we began to drift into the ocean, this state of flow was interrupted. We decided to get up and walk across the rock to the canoe, only to notice that the oars were not there anymore. The absolute bliss that took me out of my mind a few seconds ago slowly contained itself. I realized that while lying on the other side, we were not drifting into the ocean, it was coming up to us. In fact, it engulfed enough of the rock to allow the free drift of the oars into the sea. Problem-solving time. Me and G took a moment to nervously get our heads around the event, thinking of its repercussions. Out of all that was possible, us not getting back to the beach frightened me the most.

+ 1:20 - After a brief search of the ocean floor, we concluded that the oars did in fact float away (somewhat obviously, thinking back now). We set out to row with our arms to shore, and it soon became obvious of how dramatically we had underestimated the distance. In what was the peak of my trip, I was feeling an intense survival impulse, and focused all my energy on the very dumb action that was being carried out.

+1:40 - G's arms failed a bit, as did mine. We are not particularly strong and my arms felt like lead. The few seconds in between rows made my shoulders feel like they were rising in the air. The few seconds that both of us stopped rowing, we were pushed at the will of the wind & currents, straying far from the shore, releasing more than enough adrenaline to continue.

+2:00 - M saw us arriving and understood the situation. Upon arriving at the sand, he set off to fetch the oars at open sea, while cussing at us and stating that we were instructed >not to go to the island. He was visibly furious. My arms were lifeless and my heart was racing.

+2:05 - Stopping for a smoke calmed me down, but I was feeling very embarrassed and reckless.
I was feeling very embarrassed and reckless.
The 2c-b was still pumping at this point, and some eerie visual patterns on the sand occasionally caught my attention.

+2:15 - M returned with the oars, while I was thinking how on earth we would explain ourselves to the owner and how we would pay him back. My next thought was how the fuck he managed to fetch the floating oars at open sea with a standup paddle, and that still riddles me to this day, sober.

+2:20 - M was chill again and dismissed my apologies. Things felt good again but I felt that the events kind of ''narrowed'' my trip, cutting off its very esoteric pace. We smoked more weed and I still had some good vibes with G and our friends.

+-- - The day continued and acquired a very strange feeling indeed, but was fun after all :)

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112210
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 16, 2018Views: 2,698
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2C-B (52) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Sex Discussion (14), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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