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Gummies to Experiment With
Citation:   Huxley . "Gummies to Experiment With: An Experience with Cannabis (exp112250)". Aug 26, 2018.

    Cannabis (edible / food)
First Time Edible Gummy Report

I am a very occasional cannabis smoker (maybe twice a year) but have only have tried oral cannabis once before. That was a home-baked cookie back in the last century. I remember getting the giggles. Great fun but never had the chance to repeat the experience until now when a kind friend gave me a packet of gummies to experiment with. Otherwise my only previous experiences were with psychedelics: San Pedro earlier this year and my first introduction to LSD in the summer.

The great advantage of 10 mg gummies is that you can precisely calibrate the dose. The setting was our house and garden over a series of warm summer evenings.

I’d read a lot about starting doses for newbies and there is a startling lack of consensus. Depending what I read, a sensible initial dose is anything between 2.5 mg and 25 mg, so I began cautiously...

Day 1: 5mg (half a gummy) at 1.30 pm followed by another 5mg two hours later. Both sublingual. Result: nada. Nothing. If I really imagined then I guess there was a tiny trace of something. But basically no effect. So 10 mg did nothing which then got me worried that perhaps I don’t have the right enzyme ...

Day 2: 15 mg at 4.30 pm topped up two hours later with another 5mg. So total 20 mg. Again sublingual. That did something. I do have the right enzyme :-) It took a bit over an hour to get any effect.
It took a bit over an hour to get any effect.
The first sign of onset was a pleasant tingling on my scalp and face. Then a fairly rapid peak which lasted about two hours followed by a three or four hour come down and back to normal by midnight. Max 3 or 4/10 on the stoned scale. I was fully able to function, walk, talk etc but still definitely albeit lightly stoned. One notable feature was some slight LSD type visuals. Nothing hallucinatory but a definite visual element. There was also a brief but intensely joyous feeling whilst listening to music.

Day 3. 25 mg in one go at 2020 after a light meal. I didn’t bother with sublingual but just sucked them like sweets (which they are). This dose hit the sweet spot. The onset was quicker. Within the hour. By soon after 9pm I felt the scalp and face prickle as before. Again the peak was about two hours but this time stronger - a definite 5/10 on the stoned-ness scale. I was still functional but it was more marginal. I could have maintained a conversation but it would have been a challenge. The most notable feature was significantly stronger visuals including tracers in the half light as I moved my hands, and pronounced faces in all clouds. Delightful. The come down took about three hours though I was still slightly stoned at 1 am (1/10). I then slept soundly and woke up with no hangover of any kind. The only adverse effect I could detect was a dry mouth during the peak of the experience which meant I had to sip water quite frequently. Otherwise I felt entirely well throughout.

Overall a very positive experience which I plan to repeat when the conditions are right. I might even consider 30mg next time though I suspect that might put me a bit too far up the scale.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112250
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Aug 26, 2018Views: 1,801
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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