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Super Cool Easy Trip
Citation:   Amelio F. "Super Cool Easy Trip: An Experience with bk-2-CB (exp112365)". Sep 23, 2018.

450 mg oral bk-2C-B (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Current Age 28
I'm a tall and thin guy.

Background: I am no shaman, but I have already consumed several types of halucinogens (Lsd-25, 1p-lsd, ald-52, eth-lad, truffles, mushrooms). In total I know that already consumed at least 135 acids (at 2 or 3 at a time). After reading several reports about this drug, I decided to write mine to update a bit what one thinks about this one.

I had already used BK-2-CB before, the first time about 150mg, the second 100mg, the third time 200mg and the fourth time 325mg.

Warning: What I am going to say here is my personal opinion, since I have read very different reports that may seem the opposite, not invalidating them.

My trip lasted for about 40 hours, and the peak lasted for about 10/14 hours, which makes it difficult to give details of everything:

11:15 AM: With a scale, I weighed 450mg of BK-2-CB, put it inside a shroud and swallowed it.

00h00: Around this time I began to feel slightly more awake.

01h00: Very talkative, extremely dilated pupils

02h00: Extremely talkative and very well prepared. In the mood to do everything. The colors began to shine brighter, with a slight LSD feeling.

03h00: Now, the prospects began to change, things seemed more stretched and longer. Contours colored media around things. Effect of things starting to melt.

03h30: At that time, I was out drinking glasses with my friends at the edge of some bars, but I was not actually drinking glasses, because whenever I asked for a beer, I would take a sip and stay around. There is a constant feeling of nausea that does not allow drinking, much less alcohol.

Total madness. The sound seemed to come from somewhere. When people talked to me, I would ask them to speak lower. This drug, to me, is what awakens the most sound in a single sense. Some anxiety was felt by the exaggeration of visual hallucinations. Visual hallucinations, when they hit the peak, have nothing to do with LSD, I'd say they were closer to mushrooms. There is no such exaggeration of light, but the colors get much brighter, and the way they dance and melt is very fast. Usually in mushrooms and LSD things seem to move slowly, but in BK-2-CB, things move very fast. The patterns that appear are exaggeratedly highlighted. I can see patterns in everything, much more than in LSD. Sometimes it feels like they've been glued to my eyes, sometimes it seems real, and even in the face of people who talk to me they appear.

Around this time I began to hallucinate visually about things that were not actually there. People who were going to pass, but in fact, they did not go because they were not there. I stayed in this state for another 2 or 3 hours, where colorful balls began to appear all over the place. They looked like stains.

06h45: When I got home, I thought the trip was getting smaller, I decided to lie down on the floor and close my eyes, and ... WOOOW
I've never had these hearing hallucinations like these in all my life.
I've never had these hearing hallucinations like these in all my life.
Simply amazing but also scary. The visions with eyes closed were also incredible, until they began to have flashes of strange and perverse visions, like dirty people, destroyed scenery, women screaming, I do not know ... Had to open my eyes, it was just too much.

07:30 AM: My ceiling has a few black spots, and as I lay on the bed looking at him, I began to see incredible designs. Complete cities to be formed in black and white, things that no one could draw for being so perfect and detailed. Simply incredible.

So I stayed another 2 or 3 hours.

11:00 AM: Okay, I think at this time the peak started to stop. He was on the mountain of vacations, looking at the river, and everything seemed just perfect. I was probably 4 more hours in this quieter state.

3:00 PM: No apparent visuals, just an afterglow

Did not feel headaches or heart attacks, or anything that people feel when they take BK-2-CB. Attention: I also had headaches and heart and stomach problems when I took small doses of this substance before, but with this high dose, I felt absolutely nothing. I think this can be due to the fact that also when we take small amounts of LSD, and we do not feel the cool effects we start to feel the rest that is most unpleasant.

It was very cold around 8 in the morning, no blankets helped, and in fact there were 28 Celcius. In my opinion, its stupid to take less then 250mg of this stuff. ITS ONLY MY OPINION. The next day I was extremely tired from sleeping, but I felt good and relaxed.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112365
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Sep 23, 2018Views: 1,369
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bk-2C-B (618) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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