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A Definite Buzz
Citation:   Arjun. "A Definite Buzz: An Experience with Kratom (exp112392)". May 27, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:30 1 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
I smoke weed regularly and have tried LSD, X, mushrooms. I reached my limit with LSD as it showed all it can during one trip. It's like the saying 'hang up once you got the message'. It took me one year to understand what I've experienced, I had to put everything I know and everything I see to test.

Recently heard about Kratom on JRE podcast with Hamilton Morris. To my surprise, I found a website that sells Kratom. Immediately placed an order for Maeng da after reading about the effects.


Consumed at 6:05 pm after a 3 hour nap in the noon. Haven't had a joint the entire day as I wanted to feel the effects of just Kratom. I mixed a teaspoon with chocolate milk.

T+30: Didn't feel any effects for 30 minutes. So I took another teaspoon and tossed it into my mouth and washed it down with water. Didn't find the taste to be terrible although a little bitter.

T+50: Could definitely feel the buzz similar to that of a few beers. My body temperature seem to be raised and I can feel the sweat on my forehead.

T+90: feeling the peak effects which are identical to alcohol buzz without the dizziness and weed's calmness without mental stimulation.

T+120: Still feel the buzz and no feeling of nausea what so ever. I think the minimum dosage helped. This buzz is unlike weed or other psychedelics and there's no intense mind stimulation that one experiences with Marijuana. The buzz feels more relaxed and sedated. Music sounds good. I've put on some Deephouse and relaxed.

T+150: Kratom definitely shuts up minds chatter and makes you me calm.

T+180: Still feel the buzz and no nodding. I think my nap before, helped a lot.

T+210: Took a bath. Feeling calm and relaxed. Can still feel the effects although not as intense.

T+240: After 4 hours,I could eat like I normally do. This may be because I had only one meal the entire day before consuming Kratom. After eating, the effects seem to be subsided.

This has been a great experience and I can't wait to smoke weed on Kratom next time. I would definitely try it again when I don't have to drive within first 2 hours at least.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112392
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 909
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