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Into Cosmic Infinity, Self-Liberation
4-AcO-DMT & Hash Oil
Citation:   psychedelia710. "Into Cosmic Infinity, Self-Liberation: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & Hash Oil (exp112443)". Oct 6, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash (extract)
    repeated insufflated 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)

I decided to walk down stairs. Down stairs I encountered an entity. I recognized this to be a Bearer of Knowledge and Wisdom. This deity was very profound, someone worth emulating. I realized this deity was looking after me and blessing me. I thought about this and realized how much I valued knowledge and understanding and how I love to further it, a goal in my life, like the pursuit of mathematics I am choosing in college. I also saw a familiar dark entity with an evil side. I felt the presence strongly. I felt with a twist of my face, I could send manipulations or even bad energies to people. I realized I am very good at reading and explaining touchy things to people and I can use this to benefit a person or hurt them very badly because human beings are sensitive and emotionally fragile. I am concluded I did not like to hurt people, but it is a tool I have that may come in handy while confronting some kind of evil, sort of like a gun in self-defense. I saw how I looked when I raveled in this entity's power. I looked evil and possessed, like somebody I didn't want to be around because they could be hurtful. I chose to stay on the good side of things.

One day I decided to take some 4 AcO DMT that my buddy experienced with psychedelics recommended me. I was in a good mood and mental state with going to school and enjoying my classes, and happily starting my own legal cannabis cultivation operation and doing very well right off the bat. I was very happy with my surrounding friends and relations with my family at the time.

I haven't tried every substance but I've tried most common substances. While I'm not what I would call a hippie, my choice of substance use could not be closer to one. I do not enjoy alcohol, tobacco or hard substances like meth, cocaine, or heroin, but smoke my own cannabis daily and love psychedelic drugs, with psilocybin mushrooms being my personal favorite.

The one thing I do not like about mushrooms often is I get heavy nausea. I now believe this is due to poor cultivation methods. I've been exposed now to some people who have previously cultivated and learned they are also subject to bad cultivation practices like cannabis.

A personal friend who was personally experienced told me he had some 4 AcO DMT. He said he could hardly tell the difference between that and mushrooms and that there was less nausea especially if he snorted it and enjoyed the rapid come up which lessened anxiety. I listened and decided I would break up the 50 mg he gave me into lines and bumps and enjoy the night with some dabs of rosin (hash oil).

10:30-10:50 PM I started the trip with a couple of dabs and snorted around 25 mg. I decided to start the trip off with masturbation. Now this may sound strange or funny to some but I always enjoy the stimulation, visualization, and concentration while on psychedelics while I do this. I also think it automatically makes me unanxious and puts me in a right state so I can enter the trip without being anxious. During the time I rapidly started 'coming up'. I started thinking about all my sexual thoughts and preferences and felt really assured and accepting of them. I realized I was fun and pleasant this way and felt I should do what I like doing and share it with more women.

10:50 - 11:15 PM - I logged onto my PC to play my favorite MOBA called Heroes of Newerth. I felt tripping but I realized that I was actually fine and tripping is no big deal because it seems very normal to me and I always forget this every time I'm sober because of the way society makes it out to be. When the game match was starting, I was having 'lapses' where I would leave reality for a minute into an alternate universe then return to normal like it was nothing.
I was having 'lapses' where I would leave reality for a minute into an alternate universe then return to normal like it was nothing.
I let people know on my unrated match I was under the influence and to excuse my bad playing and it went okay. Somehow I ended up winning because I was seeing colors and floating out of my body wandering around the game map half the time. I felt like leaving would be more rude to the players since they depended on me, so I played the game out even though it felt extremely simplistic and meaningless compared to what was going on in my mind.

11:15 - 11:20 PM I wasn't too screwed up yet so I decided to get my cat inside so I wouldn't worry about her. To my surprise she was waiting for myle to close and shut the back door and wanted some company. I brought her to my room.

11:-20 - 3:00 AM - This is where things really began going absolutely beyond what any words in the English language could describe. No movie or story I've ever seen in my entire life would astonish me a fraction as much. At this time I decided to do another 5 - 10 mg bump. I did another dab of rosin. At this point I felt STONED. My eyes were heavy and red, and I decided to lie down by my cat. I began to rapidly notice that I felt like I understood her language a lot better. I also felt she began to understand my communications rapidly. I laid by her and petted her for an unknown amount of time. Her purring seemed like some strange rhythm that correlated with some rhythmic vibration in nature when she was happy and this somehow influenced the environment around her well. I saw her body change into beautiful colors and saw her morph into her own version of a sphynx! I realized then that this is simply what the Egyptian man was possibly worshipping in a glorified artistic form during their time, since cats are so helpful and nice to man, almost symbiotically. My cat was looking at me strange like she knew I was experiencing something very important. She seemed supportive and quiet most of the time. After the experience she seemed closer to me also, which was rather pleasant and amusing. I really felt the soul and intelligence of her, and valued her as simply a living thing like myself, just as a different type of creature with different habits. I also was happy with how much I care and loved for her and felt it.

During this time I realized the emotion of love is like no other and to practice it is of no evils or should be consequential. I realized fear prevents this and blocks this, but man is simply compounded with this due to unfortunate life events and cannot be blamed. I did another bump of the powder (5- 10) mg and flew into hyperspace. I was floating through beautiful galaxies and rapidly flying behind the Creator of the Universe past planets through galaxies, unknown portals to questionable or unknown energies, flying through his patterns of infinite complex fractals and the ever expanding universe at hyperspeeds. It was a feeling of complete astonishment and ecstasy, like no ride or movie could possibly describe. It was literally like I was flying through real space at the speed of light like it was normal and like nothing. Like I was 100% sober. When I got to the end and face to face with the creator of the universe it sifted into a personified form from energy and spat golden energy waves that was simply communication that I 100% understood. It was strong waves of knowledge. Knowledge so strong that it made reading an entire Algebra book seem miniscule. It didn't make it seem unimportant, but miniscule in comparison, because I felt knowledge was important period and gaining knowledge is a type of major satisfaction in life itself. After this I would have lapses back into reality but did not want this to stop. I would dab oil and take a small bump to keep this wonder going. Wow! The taste and properties of cannabis! It was like tasting a little bit of everything from a variety of plants, random fruits, herbs, spices, what an absolute taste of nature! Any nausea caused by the 4 AcO DMT was immediately vanished and my body felt balanced, how could man shun a beautiful plant and substance substance? Only something evil could do this kind of demonization!

Then the trip took a deeper context than was already there. I started visualizing the fallacies of man and the evil in the world. What happened to us? Why are all these silly problems perpetuating us for so long? Why do we have all of these organized religions forced on us and why can't we get to this mental state to gain spiritual awareness? Who is really out there playing evil on this planet? Is it random? Or a continuation of an evil presence lurking within society making it sick?

What about my fallacies? Why am I lagging in certain areas I'm unhappy with? Suddenly I realized at my core I'm very happy with myself and the way I conduct business but I allow society's evils to get me down when I shouldn't. I realized the media on TV is overall evil because without it I am very happy in my own world and listening to the news especially I feel down about who is around me and the world more. I realized how strongly this affects me and interferes with the way I enjoy myself, to even me having unnecessary problems with women and even friends that don't need to happen. I realized how shut off and hateful I feel after being immersed in the media and watching it and how I need to reform my behavior before immersing myself in this institutionalized evil. I had visualizations of old friends and girlfriends. I realized how it was wrong of me to form big walls around these people because none of them were sociopathic and I could deal with anyone after getting over something after a short time. I realized these walls were a product of me listening to people and not my own deep thought and intuition and took more mental energy hating people than just simply valuing whom they are at their core and creating boundaries around their problems that they may get around one day.

3:00 - 5:30 AM : I felt the trip kinda of slowing down but did NOT want this to stop. I took another bump and dab and BAM I was right back. During this time things were amazingly crazy. I mean this like my house took on like some matrix like haunted house euphoric movie. During this ENTIRE experience and even then, I felt completely sober, maybe a little stoned. I felt like at this point everything was looking normal. My TV was on, my computer was glowing normal, my cat was lying down. As soon as I would accept normalcy, there would be a SUDDEN trippy effect like in movies but much crazier!
As soon as I would accept normalcy, there would be a SUDDEN trippy effect like in movies but much crazier!
I'm talking effects like staring at a picture and seeing it multiply into infinities and becoming immersed into the infinity. I would have a strong idea about something and it would sound like the section of the show that was playing that I never watched would sometimes repeat a similar conclusion to what I was thinking. I felt like I felt the energies of things and I could be 'fine' or step onto some hollow weird vibe by staring or stepping on something and it would create a matrix like effect or I would get interlocked into some math equation, get trapped into infinity, or talk to various entities who all seemed very familiar. Some who were known to be Noble, but one or two that were known to be evil, but powerful and everlasting.

I felt like an Alchemist, like I had opened my third eye and this powder I had around me had allowed me to manipulate space, time, and jump into the classic spirit world you read in religious texts and culture. I felt like I cheated. Nothing like a drug addict, whom I imagined to be people who cheated too long and have a sad curse. Like my friend addicted to heroin. I saw his soul, a good man, but evil tormenting him. Very depressing, but eye opening. Like how the world works and devoted their lives for these mysteries for millennia but here I am in my room feeling these legends and living them strongly. And I'm a secular non religious person. What frauds have organized their own beliefs and projected their spirituality onto the masses? Who blocked man from these psychedelic tools? Just to keep us under psychological slavery? I never go around saying I'm spiritual or read new age spirituality or anything. The world felt meaningless. All this mindless entertainment when life is so beautiful and all the wonder and mystery of the world is out there.

Soon, I was on my knees. A small last 2 or 3 mg bump and I had done it. A portal-like black hole opened. It felt like a strong wind came, but I could only partially stand. I had unlocked the door to the spirits, and the dimension between space and time. I realized I was really messing with something dangerous. I felt like I was in control of the Fate of the world. I was having TENSE arms like I was handling this energy weighing on me strong but I was fighting off the evil of the world with my fight for pure goodness. When I won, the portal vanished and instant calm set in. I felt like I had opened and random access to the spirit world also, including communication with the dead.

I decided to walk down stairs. Down stairs I encountered an entity. I recognized this to be a Bearer of Knowledge and Wisdom. This deity was very profound, someone worth emulating. I realized this deity was looking after me and blessing me. I thought about this and realized how much I valued knowledge and understanding and how I love to further it, a goal in my life, like the pursuit of mathematics I am choosing in college. I also saw a familiar dark entity with an evil side. I felt the presence strongly. I felt with a twist of my face, I could send manipulations or even bad energies to people. I realized I am very good at reading and explaining touchy things to people and I can use this to benefit a person or hurt them very badly because human beings are sensitive and emotionally fragile. I am concluded I did not like to hurt people, but it is a tool I have that may come in handy while confronting some kind of evil, sort of like a gun in self-defense. I saw how I looked when I raveled in this entity's power. I looked evil and possessed, like somebody I didn't want to be around because they could be hurtful. I chose to stay on the good side of things.

The last part of the trip basically said 'before you go I want you to hear this last thing, but we know we will see you again...' I felt the presence of my dead uncle who committed suicide. He was a gambling addict, and my entire family had complained how sad his death was and my mother, unrelated to him, had occasional vivid nightmares about him. He was never a strong figure in either of our lives. I had the strong impression from my experience that his death was wronged and I knew nothing about it. I eventually asked my father about this, and he says he himself is not too sure about his death and he has been having a lot of dreams about him lately, along with my uncle's!! How bizarre!

The experience left me with a permanent positive afterglow. I am more accepting about myself and my issues, my own life, and have moved back to my old happy roots and not stuck by old curses in bad pasts. I also lost the fear of death and dying, which made me feel liberated by fears constraining me from doing what I want to do. I also have an autoimmune disease so this was psychologically reassuring.

The experience this substance gave me was invaluable. I've been intoxicated quite many times and this was by far the best experience period. It actually probably tops my top 3 experiences in life period. Maybe it's #1. It was that beyond incredible.

And it all seemed completely familiar, and sober...

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112443
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 6, 2018Views: 2,064
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4-AcO-DMT (387), Cannabis - Hash (93) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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