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Saved My Sleeping Beauty Arse
Citation:   Gwynevir. "Saved My Sleeping Beauty Arse: An Experience with Modafinil (exp112472)". Oct 16, 2018.

100 mg oral Armodafinil (daily)
Modafinil Saved My Sleeping Beauty Arse

I started feeling excessively tired when my 30s hit. No big deal, happens to everyone -- so I was told. Then it got worse and worse. I was tired all the time. Nothing made me feel better. All I wanted to do was sleep. I got 7 hours of sleep minimum, and doctors kept testing me for other problems, but nothing seemed to be a problem, and nothing else worked.

Slowly the numbers of hours of sleep I needed to function crept up from 7 to 12, and after another year went by 20-22 hours! I was waking to go to the bathroom and only ate once a day. I was missing work A LOT. No other meds seemed to be working with my symptoms, not even SSNRIs that promised more wakefulness. Chronic fatigue, my GP guessed. Hypersomnia, a second opinion suggested.

Well, no matter what it is, Modafinil saved me. I started taking it in the mornings and instantly feel the effect. Now I just skip taking it when I have no work scheduled to catch up on sleep for my sleep bank, which I always make sure to do because that's the biggest thing with this drug: I feel so awake I don't notice if I'm sleep deprived.

There's no high, unless I'm taking a higher dose - then there may be some jaw clenching, some rush, possible mania swing up. However, keeping my dose to 100 mg, or 200 mg if I don't get sleep, has been more than enough to help me in my day-to-day. There's no bad effects yet for long-term use and I've been using it every weekday for 9 months straight now.

My experience with it, now that I've been on it regularly, is nothing but stellar
My experience with it, now that I've been on it regularly, is nothing but stellar
: I am able to be up out of bed, at work, functional, focused. I can break pills in half and get my awake boost and an afternoon boost to keep me functional through dinner time and get chores done. Late night party? No worries, I just take those doses later in the day, and am mindful its half-life is 15 hours so I can plan my bedtime.

If I'm on a higher dose, I can get that rush feeling when I also take caffeine. I don't mind it, and honestly I think without this drug I would have lost my gig and things would be a lot different than they are now.

You see, my doctor now agrees with me: my problem was never depression... it was never feeling sad... or unmotivated. It was a heaviness in my limbs, and an inability to do anything other than sleep, because I felt exhausted and on the verge of passing out every minute I forced myself to be awake.

Now I am me again. And awake. And functional. It's a miracle drug!

[Reported Dose: '100mg - 400 mg/day']

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112472
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Oct 16, 2018Views: 1,691
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Modafinil (217) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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