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The Cosmic Snake & The Entity
Citation:   ghiriraldian. "The Cosmic Snake & The Entity: An Experience with Changa (exp112522)". Nov 8, 2018.

100 mg smoked Changa
Decided to do Changa the second time. First time was a lower dose of probably 50mg and didn't smoke properly too. Only achieved the visuals that make the world look more real and structured as if a veil has been removed from my eyes.

I decided to read online on smoking techniques and how long one should take the smoke. The second time I put in 100mg and decided to keep the smoke in as long as possible ( about 20-30s) and took massive hits to fill my lung as much as possible. Also took the hits as quickly as possible. I finished off all the hits even though my body felt weak after the 2nd hit.

I could hear a hum rise up in volume in my head and the pitch increasing. I took a total of around 5-6 hits and lay down immediately on the bed and closed my eyes. I could feel myself leaving my body and was immediately in a different dimension. The background was all black but this entity was there to my left and it was shocked at first to find me there but was immediately very welcoming. I saw these 2 cosmic snakes appear and dance with the music, coming closer all the while. One of the snakes ate the other one and morphed into some patterns. This entity kept calling me to come and see more. There was no language, no sound, I could just understand it. I was just standing there and seeing these entities go about their usual things. After a while, I decided I couldn't go ahead and wanted to return and mustered up all my courage to open my eyes and get up.

My body was shaking and I couldn't speak for a good 3-4 minutes due to the immensity of the experience. I don't know if this is a breakthrough but I know there is more to what this entity can show me. However, I am very content now and wouldn't probably think of doing DMT in a while now. Post the trip, I got thinking of how I am no longer afraid of death now and also got thinking of my previous trips on lsd. Whereas lsd would try to destroy my consciousness and ego, DMT was very welcoming of it.

Sorry for the brief write up. There was so much more to the trip but I simply can't find the words to explain it.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Nov 8, 2018Views: 1,701
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Changa (816) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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