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In Sensible Proportion
Alcohol - Beer & Hard
Citation:   Spurdo Sp_rde. "In Sensible Proportion: An Experience with Alcohol - Beer & Hard (exp112556)". Jan 3, 2019.

2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  125 ml oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
This is a report describing the effects of alcohol, written while under alcohol.

Long story short, I took 2 bottles of beer and cider over 5% ABV, then about 100-150ml of vodka. This has been a thoroughly good experience for me, so I've decided to share its effects.

I was in a 5/5 breddy gud mindset for this, on a holiday and having nothing to do. At home with all my affairs in order is the best place to drink, or to smoke, or to take nay mind-altering substance really.

First: Depth perception is shot to hell. Everything appears oddly flat, but as I will detail it doesn't matter to me.

Second: Everything is good. I don't care about anything, I just do. When something pops up that would normally have soured my mood, I don't even care. This is the effect of booze. Music sounds better, crap movies are now inoffensive background noise, annoying chatter is now valid subject for my thoughts.

Third: There is no third, I just felt like I needed to describe the effects of alcohol to anyone who'd listen. This can probably ruin a life if one is stupid enough to abuse it, but if not it's fine. Smoke trees, drink, do as one wants, if someone fucks up, that's bad, but the rest of us will keep living as best as we can.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112556
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2019Views: 745
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Alcohol - Hard (198) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Unknown Context (20)

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