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It Felt It More Like a Medicine Than a Drug
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   the rodent. "It Felt It More Like a Medicine Than a Drug: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp112567)". Jun 5, 2019.

14 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
It started in a right way, as always should happen between a good teacher and a student. I had prepared everything, my mood was good, the setting was the most comfortable I could imagine and I had got some days off.

I had cooked the cactus the one week before the experience. I cut up the whole San Pedro, put in the blender with water, and then cooked it in a big pot for 4 hours. Then I filter the juice and let it rest in the fridge. I treated it with all due respect that it deserves, and I was respected too. I didn’t know what to expect, I heard so many stories, many of them were simply untrue. I didn’t get stoned, I was not in a hallucinogen delirium of three days of pure madness, I didn’t freak out at all.

It was a pure and wonderful psychedelic experience. I didn’t feel alone under its influence, something just surrounded me and helped me along this journey. And even when I started to feel the reality changing around myself and inside myself, I was not afraid, someone very wise was supporting me. I felt connected.
I was not afraid, someone very wise was supporting me. I felt connected.

There weren’t any barriers who divided us from everything, there were no masks that we use for hiding ourselves, but in the end they make us feel worse. I was connected with the nature, that marvelous thing we polluted, cover with cement. The nature gave us the life and we totally forgot it. Under the influence of San Pedro it became even more magical and beautiful in its infinite complexity.

I was connected with people, the speech that I had with them were much more true, the were no fear that blocked me, I was totally sincere, I like and the other too. I discovered I could even understand my animals, better that I ever done. I was connected with myself, mescaline made me see all the pain, all the fear and all the mistakes that I ever made were necessary, they were all part of the cure, “the way is still very long, you cannot rest but don’t be afraid, you’re in the right path, you must live in a perpetual struggle to get better” that’s what San Pedro taught me. “Don’t waste too much time with what there is outside, change the world inside you, that is the real revolution", was another message from the cacti.

I think that the San Pedro (with other psychedelic drugs) gives you responsibility. It gives a lot and expect a lot. The experience was intense but without confusion. All of my senses were amplified, the color, the sound, the food that I ate and all the things that I touched were alive. I always heard people talking about the so called “recreational use” but I don’t think that I can use this plant (and others) in that way. The use of San Pedro cactus is always therapeutic, it felt it more like a medicine than a drug.

A very good medicine indeed who will teach me a lot, keep me company for many hours and it will give me lessons using the best teaching tool ever discovered by humanity…. Direct experience!!

[Reported Dose: "35 cm of San Pedro"]

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112567
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 5, 2019Views: 787
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1)

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