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All Feels Familiar Thus Far
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "All Feels Familiar Thus Far: An Experience with 1P-LSD (exp112644)". Dec 10, 2018.

160 ug sublingual 1P-LSD (liquid)

I heard about 1P-LSD a few years back and its been available in Canada for a few years from a pretty reputable vendor, but it had never become easily available to me for a number of reasons. First, I never understood or trusted Bitcoin and most vendors who trafficked in 1P-LSD only accepted that shady cryptocurrency as payment. Wouldn't even take a credit card or money order. Then, my chosen vendor announced they would have a supply of it. I jumped and I'm damned lucky I did, as is, I only got 25 of 30 ordered milliliters because it flew off the shelf. I'm lucky I got ANY and I'm sure any poor soul who was waiting another day is now shit out of luck.

I'd been fiending for some since those early days in 2014 when it anonymously showed up on the grey market. I've had real LSD of course, hundreds of times, as well as any number of other psychedelics, I couldn't name them all for sheer ignorance, especially when the whole alphabet soup comes into play (ie. "Was it Foxy or Moxy that I took at X's birthday party?"), but DPT, 4-ring-substitutions of all makes and models, a brew of Mimosa Hostilis bark and Syrian Rue, Psilocibyn mushrooms, amanita muscaria, San Pedro Cacti, Salvia, blah-blah-blah...I've tripped out a lot, in short.

So, the tale of the tape; like I said I'd been wanting to give this one a shot for years, so even opening the package was exciting.
I'd been wanting to give this one a shot for years, so even opening the package was exciting.
I unwrapped it from the blister packaging, removed the other things I'd ordered alongside the 1P-LSD (heh heh) and there it was, a sealed jar with a generic dropper thrown in so I don't send myself crazy...thanks guys.

I then squirted a double under my tongue, 2ml by the dropper's count. My first reaction was the vodka-like taste, I'm used to acid being tasteless so this alarming ethanol flavour was a bit off putting. But it wasn't bitter like the nBOMe series and it reflected uv light before I dropped it, so I just put mind over matter and let the stuff do its work.

It's only just coming on now but all feels familiar thus far, 1P-LSD has Acid's sinister quality in tact.

Things are taking on the "traditional" melting appearance now. This part of the trip used to alarm me very badly for some reason and I'd need to take a small dose of a downer to smooth it out, and while its still my least favorite part of the trip, I don't need to take dampers right away, I can get through it, just no caffeine and limit trips to the smoking room. Since the two drugs travel in similar circles, a lot of folks think smoking some reefer is going to stop their nerves from quavering. This CAN be true, but often its like throwing gas on a fire.

Boy, its been less than an hour and I'm feeling that deep down need of the Acid fancier to distract myself utterly, or go into total silence and explore the inner reaches. They say 1P is a prodrug for regular ol' LSD...I think they may be right. See y'all, gotta fly now.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112644
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Dec 10, 2018Views: 1,345
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