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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
Citation:   YSNE. "PTSD/Hell: An Experience with Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (exp112681)". Jan 20, 2022.

1 hit smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
It was early in the morning on a dull day in july when I received an unsolicited free sample of a synthetic cannabinoid blend called Mr.Kosh xxx blueberry. The first thing I noticed was a hard substance protruding from the well designed package, after opening I found multiple triangle shaped brown rocks mixed throughout the plant material.

I put on an episode of a cartoon and promptly put 1/16 of the gram into a water pipe with tobacco. Within moments I began to feel the typical effects associated with "spice", the head rush, body high etc. But I began to feel horrible anxiety and noticed I could not get comfortable sitting down. I began to uncontrollably and unwillingly contort my body forward and back, quickly losing my thoughts and not being able to pay attention to what o had put on. I tried to lay back and relax when I noticed that the show I was watching seemed to constantly loop the same few seconds of it and I tried to pause it but it kept playing the same few seconds over and over again and that's when I felt my heart stop. I felt every thought I've ever had escape my mind, my body stopped functioning and I was sure I wasn't breathing. In that moment I truly felt as if I had died and I was in some sort of purgatory. It felt like night, my sense of time was non existent and I noticed the tablet I was watching the cartoon on was flashing a white screen and I tried to turn it off. As soon as I touched the tablet it became tethered to my hand, I couldn't put it down and I panicked, it knew me and it knew my mind, it controlled everything.
As soon as I touched the tablet it became tethered to my hand, I couldn't put it down and I panicked, it knew me and it knew my mind, it controlled everything.
I felt like a simulated version of myself being forced to be a slave to whatever controlled this device. Every time I tried to drop it it became harder to let go, it wanted something from me and it forced me to look into the camera lens, I cracked the device beyond repair just trying to let it go.

So many thoughts went through me, was everyone experiencing this? Why is this happening? Why? I remember all I could say was no, no, no as I struggled to escape the grips of whatever demented power that was compelling this device to be stuck in my hands. I suppressed the thoughts and memories that I would never share as it stole everything else from me. I know it sounds ridiculous and probably comical but it was hell, I can never describe what I experienced in a way that would make sense to anyone else. I was powerless and I could not do anything but thrash around, contorting my body unnaturally and unwillingly as I smashed the tablet by crushing it in my hands.

After what felt like hours I started to regain my sanity and control, seeing the tablet completely smashed sent chills through my spine and as soon as I could think again I stood up and flushed the rest of that disgusting drug down the toilet. It was fucking traumatizing, it was literally hell and I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.

I have nightmares still, panic attacks and anxiety around technology. It's been months and thinking about it still makes me cry. I can never describe it in a way that anyone would take it seriously, I can never tell anyone about it. While it happened it didn't even occur to me that it was because of the drug, I forgot it entirely while it was happening. All there was was this force controlling me, the device was unfathomably malevolent, it wanted total control of me and all I could do was say no as I fought to drop it, crying as I tried to avoid looking into the cameras. It sounds stupid and insane, that's why I'll never tell anyone. I now look down on everyone who smokes that shit, it takes away your soul. I'm a fucking retard for even trying it. (I had occasionally used it for years with friends before this experience.)

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112681
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 20, 2022Views: 588
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Post Trip Problems (8), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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