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It's Nice to Have the Odd Chill Trip
DXM, Hard Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   CampfireHeadphase. "It's Nice to Have the Odd Chill Trip: An Experience with DXM, Hard Alcohol & Cannabis (exp112761)". Dec 21, 2020.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard
    repeated smoked Cannabis - High CBD
  100 mg oral DXM
Microdosing DXM: A Chill Experience

This past weekend ended up being pretty fun for my buddy and I. We had our usual drugs of choice: weed and whiskey. (I personally just vape weed here and there and have the odd drink).

But I recently was lifting some very heavy furniture and pulled something. I was reading online that some people take Codeine for their pain but apparently a legal OTC alternative is DXM. And since I don't wanna get hooked on any pills or lean whatever, I figured why not do some good ol' cough syrup? I've tripped before a few times but it's been a few years. So I told my buddy my idea and he supported it knowing that I mainly wanted it for the pain but hey why not get to trip balls too? So with that, my friend went off and came back with 300 mg of Robitussin syrup.

At first my friend seemed quite hesitant to do any DXM, since when we tripped together the few times we had, he had a pretty awful experience with feeling very sick, dealing with the brutal taste of the robo syrup and having bad robo-itch and the shits. I understood where he was coming from as I had some bad trips too, though I also had a number of good ones so I figured why not. I did say however that he didn't have to if he didn't want to (I don't pressure friends of course). But I did see he was considering it and mentioned we would only do about 100 mg each, along with a few drinks and some good high CBD weed. And man, it was so fucking nice.

Very chill, my bud finally had a good light trip. It was pretty dreamy and relaxing, and a good mood booster as I could tell when we were talking it was pleasant and we felt pretty euphoric even from the light dose. I had taken around 250 at my highest dose and I did find it was a bit much, so this was nice. Like a micro-dose I guess. We listened to Boards of Canada for most of the trip which was easily the best part. We both felt like we were more connected to the music (Campfire Headphase was the best thing ever, hell it even sounds awesome sober) then after watching some Netflix and some fractal videos and Off The Air/random youtube stuff we just laid back and went to sleep. Very chill experience. Also took away all pain I had and gave me some really trippy lucid dreams.

I mainly do stick to weed but hey sometimes it's nice to have the odd chill trip. And when I do, I generally like to micro-dose these days after having some intense experiences with high doses of LSD/DXM/shrooms and other various drugs.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112761
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 21, 2020Views: 1,123
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DXM (22), Alcohol - Hard (198), Cannabis - High CBD (597) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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