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So Confused I Couldn't Think Straight
Fake Alprazolam
by SG
Citation:   SG. "So Confused I Couldn't Think Straight: An Experience with Fake Alprazolam (exp113119)". Apr 16, 2019.

    Chlorpheniramine Maleate
      Pharms - Tramadol
      Pharms - Haloperidol
[Verified identification, a sample of these tablets was analyzed by DrugsData in April 2019.]

I almost died from taking a pressed pill bought from [m.h.p. online pharmacy]. The hospital claims I had no drugs or alcohol in my system. I was on a respirator and couldn't speak even after the tubes were taken out because they scraped my vocal cords. There was a police investigation that was canceled after I confirmed I wasn't raped or a victim of abuse.

I still have the pills and have always known it's what really caused my accident. I had kidney failure, convulsions, tremors, heart failure, a blood clot in the lung, and pneumonia in both lungs. I really want to know what is in these pills and if it can help shed some light on the epidemic with xanax pills right now [2019].

I was very addicted to xanax and was forced to buy it on the streets. I had told doctors I had anxiety and they refused to prescribe me even valium. In the hospital, I suffered a month before I got a doctor who weaned off Ativan comfortably. The bad rep of addiction really took its toll on me. I spent lonely nights with panic attacks and tremors in pure torture. I do not see why I deserved this treatment. Also, many doctors and nurses treated me like shit because I told them I was addicted to Xanax.

I would like to know what poison some murderer sold me. If I hadn't been life flighted in Houston in time I would surely be dead. Whatever this substance is by the time I knew I needed help I was stuck on the floor not able to get up. It made me so confused I couldn't think straight. I had never heard of pills being pressed at the time. I am also angry the hospital labeled my accident intentional overdose. I would like some reckoning if ever. Obviously, Xanax wouldn't cause this. I think about it all the time. I need to know what these pills are.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 113119
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2019Views: 7,149
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98), Pharms - Tramadol (149), Pharms - Haloperidol (308), Chlorpheniramine Maleate (164) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), What Was in That? (26), Addiction & Habituation (10), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27)

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