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First Pass Vape Test
Citation:   bluestemz. "First Pass Vape Test: An Experience with bk-EBDP (exp113183)". May 12, 2019.

T+ 0:00
19 mg vaporized bk-EBDP
  T+ 2:00 16-17 mg vaporized bk-EBDP
  T+ 0:00   vaporized Nicotine
  T+ 9:11   smoked Cannabis
Ephylone (bk-EBDP) 1st Pass Vape Test

I had a dream last night, it went something like this:

Before conducting the experiment on N-ethypentylone (bk-EBDP, ephylone) the oil burner was torched to a red glow to remove any possible carbonized methamphetamine residue. Both parties have a stimulant tolerance due to consuming app 100mg ea MDMA 6 nights prior to the ephylone, and some methamphetamine 3-5 nights prior (more on this in retrospect below). Both parties have been sober and refueling/resting for the previous 48 hours.

06:51pm (+00:00) ~ To a 19mg crystal of bk-EBDP, two drops of a 86% VG / 14% PG / 6mg nicotine solution were added to facilitate vaporization, and reduce possible burning (as well as improve flavor) of the compound. Preloaded the experience with some music, Bassnectar - Reflective, Pt. 4. A regular butane lighter was held low beneath the oil burner and at first the crystal did not react but some smoke was slowly forming in the OB. The lighter was raised a little higher so the solution started to bubble, at which point the crystal rapidly dissolved into solution.

Upon 1st inhalation an immediate +1 was observed, I could feel an instant hyperactivity as well as a slightly increased heart rate. 3 or 4 more inhalations were taken from which no further discernible change in consciousness was observed so the OB was passed to my wife. She took one nice inhalation. I asked if she noticed any immediate effects to which she commented, "No, not really." Then less than a minute latter she commented, "Well the lights ARE a little more interesting." I look up to my ceiling where there are various trippy lasers and swirling lights projected and I see what she means. A smile immediately permeates across my face!

07:05pm (+00:14) ~ Serotonergic activity is observed in both myself and my wife. There is a slight fuzziness under my eyes and across my jaw to my temples. I notice a definite increase in bruxism, it is not extreme in any measure but present none-the-less.

07:08pm (+00:17) ~ Since the cat has decided to cat a very curious interest in the OB and there is still a sizeable puddle of amber muck in it, I decide to take a few more hits. After 2-3 mild hits not much is happening re: the puddle of muck so I move the lighter slightly closer to which it immediately goes black. The black hit is a burnt throat hit but produces an instant boost to the stimulation and slightly unfocused vision present. Bassnectar is over and the next album in the queue is Shy Fx - Raggamuffin Soundtape. I nudge my wife who is falling back asleep and ask if she would like another hit. She says sure so I warn her it might be burnt and she takes a mild hit which she replied that it didn't taste burnt so although the puddle is now a very black blob in the bottom of the OB I do take another hit and she is correct it just tastes like the ephylone with a mild menthol characteristic from the vape juice, it does not have that burnt charcoal taste of my previous hit.

07:23 (+00:32) ~ I ask my wife how she is doing and she says she knows it's supposed to be more stimulating yet her eyelids feel heavy and she feels really dreamy and the lights are definetely looking better. I am also experiencing the heaviness, a slight rolling if you will similar to a low dose of MDMA. There is really mild bruxism and nystagmus present but nothing in the way of that induced by MDMA. I attempt to go for the OB again but really I just want to close my eyes and breath to the Shy FX. It feels good and there slight chills rolling over me. I'd give it a +2 at this point.

07:30 (+00:39) ~ I lay down with my eyes closed and Shy FX is causing some really nice chills to push through my body. Music appreciation is definitely enhanced at this point. The bruxism and slight serotonergic face fuzz has decreased slightly but seems to pick back up if I sit up and try to do anything like type. This is furthur impeded by our methcat (she's a tweak freak) who is starring at us both and seems to want in on the action as she is now climbing on my wife. This is the only meth-cat-i-own, she was rescued a few months ago from my neighbors who were raided and carted off to jail for robbing a bunch of stores at gun point and during the raid the police brought out a coffee table full of syringes, heroin, and methamphetamine and commented, "Watch out for the junkie booby trap!" as they laughed and carried the table past us. She adopted the moniker methcat due to her previous owners known predilections as well as the fact that she is a fiend for plastic baggies and wrappers. She will scurry around the house picking up any plastic bags lying about and we constantly have to combat her digging plastic out of the garbage and chewing on it. We assume this fetish came from eating the residual left over meth in baggies at her previous owner's apartment, but we can only assume. She did also eat a piece of tinsel after Christmas which we latter found wrapped up in her feces to which my wife replied, "What a party pooper!" But I digress, I feel very nice, a constant +2 yet I do crave something more.

07:44 (+00:53) ~ Thoughts are slightly scattered, feeling stoned though I haven't smoked anything containing THC. I had to ask my wife a few minutes ago to produce the word "fetish" because I could not for the life of me think of that word. It came easy to her but I am struggling with language a little. I decide to try to knock out this bowl, or try to at least get the most out of what is left in the OB before it is rendered a useless, burnt piece of trash. Having little luck I switch to a single flame torch and the music is now on Seven Lions - Ophelia Volume 1. The OB is only a little more effective for me against the black dot in the OB but I do get one final, tiny hit which tastes like ephylone. I pass it to my wife who tries to get a hit and replies, "No, it tastes like a grill." So it looks like this is the end, not sure if we will redose yet on this particular report.

08:05pm (+01:14) ~ The nystagmus and bruxism have almost faded to nothing at this point. There is still some residual fuzziness under the eyes and across the top jaw to the temples. Laying on the bed I alternate between eyes open watching the light show on my ceiling and closing my eyes and just enjoying the music. My eyes definitely want to remain closed to which I feel a cool, calm contentedness with slightly cool palms and some chills in my body. Every time I pull a hit off my modbox and exhale I get a renewed chill as well as when I sit up to type. Motion seems to greatly exacerbate the chills and they feel very welcomed and make me smile. I can't imagine being on the dance floor due to the heavy sedated nature we are both experiencing but moving about does greatly enhance the peripheral effects of the compound. I don't have the energy to get up and dance or anything but bobbing around on the bed to Seven Lions is creating some amazingly pleasurable rushes despite having a stimulant tolerance going into the experience and splitting the bowl between myself and my wife. My wife agrees even though she is not up bed-dancing with me. I am causing the bed to bounce and vibrate which is causing increased sensation and chills through both of our bodies. I get up to relieve myself and feed the methcat so she leaves me alone. The walk to the bathroom was a fun, stumbling foray in the dark. I clean the OB with some 70% isopropyl and q-tips and am able to get the majority of the ash out with only a few black charred lines and spot which are easily vaporized using the directed flame of the torch. To my surprise there was more ephylone in the OB than I thought. Hitting the sides with the torch produced some billowing clouds which left the bedroom reeking of the bk-EBDP. My bad!

08:50pm (+01:59) ~ The effects have all but dissipated leaving just the slight fuzziness under my eyes and along my top jaw. Any chilling at this point is due to the fact that its a balmy 40 degrees here in the mountains, although I feel warmer now than during the peak of the experience. It's just my finger tips are cold now due to the drop in temp from the high of 58 earlier in the afternoon. I wish I had my BP cuff and thermometer handy for this report but alas, the batteries are all dead.

I switch the music to The Velvet Underground - Loaded D2 (outtakes and demos) and drop in another crystal, this one weighs 17mg. I proceed to drop another two drops of the vape juice on the rock and vape away. Our technique has really improved since the first try, between the two of us we are pretty much able to kill the OB with just a few passes and a very negligible charred residue. Methcat is back in the room, climbing all over my wife like she's her personal jungle gym, purring with her exuberant fear of missing out. Me and the wife both comment that it's definitely more stimulating now, more of a "wake me up" as my wife put it.

9:11pm (+02:20) ~ Some mild chills have resumed as well as a discomfort in my stomach but that could be due to the garbage lunch I had (McD NoMoney) as well as the Gatorade I just started drinking burning my gut, I can't ascertain that the ephylone is the cause of such things. The vast majority of the effects seem to be just a fuzzy warm glow and more of a tightness in the chest
The vast majority of the effects seem to be just a fuzzy warm glow and more of a tightness in the chest
, which my wife said she also experienced on her last hit which is why she passed on another one. She said she seems "nice, some chills and just watching the sky, I mean ceiling, with a glow."

9:20pm (+02:29) ~ Unimpressed with only a slight bump up in effect from the first dose, I decide to try out some VR so I strap on the Lenovo Mirage Solo and play around with watching Anthony Walsh break some waves, which was breathtaking. Then I ride the Superman rollercoaster at Six Flags to which I exclaim out loud, "OMG, this is almost orgasmic!" Coming out of the loop and going into the bends the VR ride wasn't as disorienting or mildly nauseating as it has been on previous views, instead I got a chilling tingle running down my body and that "I gotta go PEEEE" feeling you get when actually riding a rollercoaster! Very impressive! Since the redose lacks the UMPH of the initial dose but something is still there, this will probably be a good way to spend the rest of any active effects above the +1 range. I toy with a few VR360 LSD simulations from Symmetric Visions (search youtube for his channel) but these just make me want to trip so I abort and let my wife play with the headset for a few.

9:54pm (+03:03) ~ Things have been a steady "slightly over +1", +1.3-1.5 I would say. Unlike first go, I run the torch along the sides of the OB milking it for its last few puffs before deciding it is, I fear, toast like an OB is bound to be after vaping any cathinone, and especially pyrovalerones. The OB will most likely hold that cathinone taste so thank God we're in Methland, America where our weed is legal and OBs are cheap as hell and at nearly every smoke shop and head shop around!

Nothing noticeable results from the final go, still at the same +1.3ish I've been for awhile now. I can confirm that redosing is pretty much a waste and will only, just like orally, extend any peripheral stimulation and not necessarily add to the experience enough positives to justify it as others have also reported. Upon looking down at my phone I realize there is some slight visual distortion, a mild breathing that I also notice when just starring at the keyboard. If my mind were more preoccupied I probably wouldn't even notice this attribute or dismiss it entirely as just a PHPD residual from decades of psychedelics, but it is not, it's definitely an effect from the ephylone as it wasn't anything predominant going into the experience.

10:30pm (+03:39) ~ The wife fell asleep and methcat is being a pain in my ass demanding food again, so since hunger has descended upon me too I guess it's only right I feed her as well. I go to the kitchen and make-a-some-me-a-chichi (mmm, prison food). Upon returning the wife wakes up and says "that smells good" so being the good, loving, obedient husband I am, I take cue and go back to the kitchen to make her one. I am back to just a +1 now, almost all the effects are gone but I couldn't fall asleep yet without a benzo. We enjoy crushing Cool Ranch Doritos on top of our chichis and methcat returns as well. She heard the Doritos bag crumble and thought "oooh, is that plastic" and returned to scope out the scene. My wife tells her to chill so she climbs on her before sticking her ass in my wife's face and sits purring and tripping off the ceiling visuals too. My wife says she still has some chills, things are still "soft" visually, and she seems more stimulated (despite having just nodded out for a spell) than before and overall is surprisingly happy. As for myself, well the chichi is f'n banging, the Lime Cucumber Gatorade is hitting the spot, and I'm surprisingly happy as well. The only chills I'm getting are when up and moving about, it's primarily just a stimulated afterglow.

11:12pm (+04:21) ~ My wife gets up to go to the bathroom and looks down at the lights projecting up from the floor and screams, "Lasers! Ahhh, fuck!" Oops, don't look down into the lasers, safety first! I ascertain I am pretty much at or about baseline now. "Agreed," says my wife. Though I'm not feeling any stimulation I can't attribute to the fact that I've been chain vaping ejuice from the modbox for awhile, I am not falling asleep without a benzo. The good news is there is still a general mood-lift and feeling of well-being so I have no desire to benzo to bed nor mix and match any other compound with the experience. We decide a movie would be an appropriate finish to our evening so we settle on the Terry Gilliam film "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" as neither of us have seen it yet. My wife curls up and I ask if she is going to fall asleep. She says, "No" and giggles so I take that as a no as in yes. Nestled between a few frats I can hear the college kids outside raging. If I were a younger man I'd go join them right now, what with the moodlift and whatnot I DO kind of have an urge to turn it UP a notch. Instead I put the movie on and settle in beside my wife.

02:00am (+07:09) ~ The movie is over now but to back up a bit, at around the halfway mark my wife had fallen into a sound slumber and I was feeling pretty hungry again. I got up to make some more food, which is out of character for me on most chemicals, especially stimulants, psychedelics, or empathogens. I normally have an aversion to food on them and simply desire the experience plus hydration. This has been an easy compound to eat on and seems to even facilitate the hunger
This has been an easy compound to eat on and seems to even facilitate the hunger
, especially now in the dwindling hours. I returned to bed, ate, and finished the movie to my pleasure! I love Terry Gilliam, he can do little wrong. I'm still glowing but assuredly tired now so I put some music on. In the passing out queue we have Amon Tobin - A Handful of Dust and Tycho - Waypoint (2018 Burning Man Sunrise Set). I settle in and fall asleep sometime during the Amon Tobin album.

04:02am (+09:11) ~ I awake, partially due to asscat/methcat jumping on me and screaming for food, who I immediately push onto the floor, but also due to the fact that I'm rolling around in bed hotter than a priest in a whorehouse. My wife, who has been soundly asleep the whole time, is giving off major heat beside me. I feel like I'm sleeping next to a furnace and I was having some crazy wicked vivid dream about, ahhh, lost it already. Something about missing school because I was dipping out to smoke drugs or something. Which in itself is an odd recurring theme in my dreams since I graduated top of my class and even *gasp* went to college on a partial scholarship. I never dipped out of high school to smoke drugs. I didn't start smoking drugs until right after high school, the only drug I did in high school was LSD, I didn't even smoke weed or really drink alcohol until after I graduated. Yet I have a recurring fear of screwing everything up and failing to graduate because I just don't go to senior year because I was up high all night and decide to continue taking something until I realise I haven't been in school for awhile and won't pass finals simply on my attendance. Do any other 4.0 students have this absurd nightmare?

Tycho is still spinning along on the speakers and I notice I haven't been asleep that long yet I feel like I slept all night. A little peckish too so I eat half a cinnamon muffin my wife had made a few nights ago on a meth binge and get up to feed asscat/methcat. I notice upon returning to bed it's not as hot in there as I had assumed. I'm rather cool, well comfortable now. I don't really feel like going to bed despite a few "get up and go to work" yawns. I decide to pack a bowl of Snowball nugget from the growhouse my father-in-law oversees and chill out and hit my modbox while Tycho finishes the set. The herb provides a smooth, even high and I'm aware that what I was describing as the afterglow is almost completely gone at this point. I'm simply content now but not ready for bed. I kill some time by putting the Mirage Solo back on and playing a bit of the VR game Horizons. OMG that game is sick AF, I'm cheesing again, if my grandfather were here he'd jest, "wipe that shit-eating grin off your face!" I'm pleasantly a little more than a few puffs of nugget now, it seems to have called back a slight pinch of the afterglow. I can see into the living room and the blacklight, soft red glow from a table lamp, and the flashing strobes of LED lighting lining the shelf of the turntable and amp produce an alluring charm. My wife wakes up and we discuss our general "goodness." I make the comment that I probably talk about asscat/methcat more than the ephylone. We smoke a little more pot, and my wife asks what time it is. "Uh, probably 4:30." It's 5:24 in reality, fuck my sense of time! We decide to finally crash out watching A Magic Trip.

In retrospect, first off I would never recommend taking two serotonergic compounds such as MDMA and bk-EBDP so close together. Normally we would have spaced the compounds a minimum of 2 weeks to a month apart, however having assayed our current state we decided that any negatives would be indeed at a minimal and the experience did prove to be free of almost any negative side effects. Ephylone is notorious for being stimulating so I would advise treading extreme caution and not pushing the envelope if there is any stimulant tolerance presence from the consumption of other compounds. As with orally, I would recommend getting the desired dose in on the first pass and NOT redosing the compound. Redosing, no matter the ROA, does seem to produce more negatives than positives and to my understanding redosing the compound is where others have come across dangerous, sometimes fatal, peripheral stimulation.

At this low initial dosage the compound never took off to reach any strong psychedelic nor particularly empathogenic state, it was primarily an enjoyable state of alert relaxation
it was primarily an enjoyable state of alert relaxation
. Going forward if I were to vape the compound again I would most likely start at a higher dose and perhaps pursue vaping off foil vs. using an oil burner as in this experiment. Others have testified that using foil produces highly desirable results, however I am not convinced this is the most rewarding ROA for this compound. For this psychonaut, I feel sticking to oral consumption will prove the most effective and rewarding ROA, for me at least.

[ End - Of - Transmission ]

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113183
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: May 12, 2019Views: 3,677
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