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Win Some, Lose Some!
Morning Glory seeds
Citation:   DXMtripper. "Win Some, Lose Some!: An Experience with Morning Glory seeds (exp11342)". May 7, 2004.

9.0 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Okay let me first start off by saying that 3 out of the 4 Morning Glory experiences I have had have sucked really, really bad. During these times I had no psychoactive effects, just naseua and leg cramping, you know sickness in general. The only good experience I had with this substace was when I took the seeds of four packs of Heavenly Blue Morning Glories, put them into a baloon and crushed them with a hammer. I put the remaining powder into water a drank it all including the seed mush. Well, I took a phenergan for naseua, and suffice to say I still had some for about 2 hours into the trip. Then all of a sudden I felt the urge to move and I just felt great in general. I got a nice body buzz and my mental state was just wonderful. This lasted for 2 hours and it ended up tapering off until my mind just felt blank so I went to sleep.

Like, I said before 3/4 of my experiences with Morning Glories have sucked but if I could find out how to repeat the good one everytime I use them I would. Maybe an extraction I don't know. But on another note you are tired and generally lethargic all of the next day.

Anyway, so long for now...stay safe...keep cool!


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11342
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 7, 2004Views: 6,054
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Morning Glory (38) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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