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My Faithful Floaty Friend
Citation:   FinneganAwake. "My Faithful Floaty Friend: An Experience with Codeine (exp113981)". Erowid.org. Feb 16, 2020. erowid.org/exp/113981

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:00 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 2:00 176 mg oral Codeine (extract)
  T+ 2:20   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I have a wonderfully long and storied past with Codeine, including several periods of addiction followed by withdrawal when attempting to go cold turkey. However, in the last few years I've barely touched the stuff despite it being one of my favourites of all the drugs I have experience with. Recently, I was prescribed Codeine/APAP tablets in a dosage of 8/500 after an injury, but hadn't taken any of it as I have a tendency to stockpile drugs with recreational potential for later.

Set and Setting:
I live in a small flat with a few housemates that I get along well with. I had a bit of a slow, lazy day, and was feeling calm and nice but quite bored. I decided I wanted to have a bit of fun tonight, so I set myself up on my sofa with some incense burning and a nice colour changing lamp, and queued up something to watch on my laptop.

I smoke a bowl of the last of my pretty mediocre weed, before finishing any of the household chores I had to get done. I didn't want anything to annoy me while I was high, as well as wanting to have a clean and nice space to chill out in.

I begin my Cold Water Extraction process to seperate the Codeine from the Acetaminophen, and put it in the freezer. I used 22 tablets as I still have a fairly high tolerance due to my weight. I drink a beer and watch cartoons while I wait for it to cool.

After thoroughly filtering my solution, I drink it down as fast as I can before chasing it with another beer. The only negative I've found with occasional use of Codeine is the awful bitter taste, which can very easily be masked with cordial, fruit juice, or a good chaser. I wait for the effects to begin.

I start to feel a slight tingly warm sensation around my head and hands, accompanied by some slight nausea. I smoke a cigarette and as I do I notice that I am enjoying the sensation and taste of smoking far more than usual, so I have another few.

When I move my body at all the sensation is incredibly pleasurable, like the cells in my body are happy with me. This is especially noticeable when I shake my head, which I spend a few minutes doing before I start to feel a little dizzy. I settle in on the sofa I prepared and start to watch a movie.

I have become quite itchy but it isn't unpleasant / I just don't mind. I have a few very fun minutes scratching myself before I remember that I have an antihistamine that tends to help with drug-induced itching. I feel very light and floaty physically, as if underwater. I also feel incredibly calm and content, and have been perfectly happy to re-read the same sentence I just wrote over and over.

I'm feeling incredible physical euphoria, similar to those first few minutes post-orgasm or a handful of oxys. I'm having a lot of trouble keeping track of time, it seems to be passing either very fast, very slow, or both somehow. I'm also noticing some difficulty typing as I write this. I try to watch some youtube videos but my eyes don't seem to want to stay open, although I'm not sleepy yet. I just want to lie down and enjoy the feelings washing over me.

I'm now feeling a lot more awake but still very noticeably euphoric, detached, and floaty. It's 5AM and I haven't yet slept, but I have nothing to do today so I'm not worried about it, or anything for that matter. Went outside because I felt the urge to walk around and felt incredibly at peace watching the sun rise. I texted a few friends that I loved them, went back inside, and made a snack before realising I had no desire to actually eat it.

I'm incredibly fatigued and tired but still feel pretty great. Gonna make a cup of tea and go to sleep now.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 113981
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 16, 2020Views: 1,269
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Codeine (14) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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