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'New' Grass
Melinis minutiflora
Citation:   HieroDotus. "'New' Grass: An Experience with Melinis minutiflora (exp114001)". Nov 20, 2020.

  smoked Various
I've had this information since about a long year now, I read it in a botany book from my country; in the book it said something along the lines that some teens in X town smoked the Melinis minutiflora (didn't specify what part) to get a somehow similar sensation to smoke Cannabis.

Having taxonomic knowledge I learned how to identify this grass (not hard really) and to my great surprise y found that it grows almos everywhere, its a plant originary form Africa but now its widely extended all aroun the world and is highly invasive. From that moment I have consumed it by smoking the leaves and stems (where the trichomes are) in various manners, I have done it with freshly ground material in a regular weed pipe, also I dryed it out several months and then smoked it in spliffs or in various pipes, also vaped it in my old GPRo in its highest setting 215°C.

Smoking it in a joint is the less efective way that I found, I think its because the molecule responsible for the effect (not THC, I have read chemical screenings of this plant and it has a lot unidentified compounds and the ones identified are not psychoactive), when smoked form a joint I had to smoke one completely to feel a really light effect (comparable to smoking a toke of wild type indica) that only lasted up thirty minutes.

In a pipe is not much better unless I use a pipe that allows me to drag really hard without burning my lips, but even with this I have to drag reaaally hard to have a longer lasting effect and smoke a lot of material 2 -3 bowls. The best I found is vaping it it last me like 2-3 hours the effect and only by vaping one full load of the chamber.

Now the effect I would describe it as somwhat simmilar to the effect of weed, but with some notable differences, the first one would be that this plant makes me feel a pull on my cheeks like the one I get from alcohol, like a stupid smile from the first stages of alcohol effects, also it does not make my mouth dry, no matter how much I vape or smoked, it also doesn't makes my eyes red, but it makes them look really really glassy like unrealistically glassy, its also not so "mental" as some high THC varieties of weed are, its more physical but it cearteanly changes my counciosness state, it makes me happy, feeling well, not anxious.

I could write more and more but I'm tired and high on int right now

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114001
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 20, 2020Views: 622
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Various (136) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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