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I Can Tell It's a Phenazepam Analogue
Citation:   flublackoutzepam. "I Can Tell It's a Phenazepam Analogue: An Experience with Flubromazepam (exp114013)". Jan 31, 2020.

4 - 12 mg oral Flubromazepam
    oral Pharms - Tramadol
I used this pretty heavily during university, in the form of those orange 4mg "pellets", when my depression and anxiety remained undiagnosed and untreated. It was, in retrospect, a horrible choice for self-medication. Good old Valium or even etizolam were both far better at being functional anxiolytics and I had just as easy access to both so why I kept buying this crap I don't know...

I would take some, think it's "doing nothing" because the onset is literally 2-3 hours
the onset is literally 2-3 hours
, redose, then blackout sometimes for 24 hours or more. When I came out the other side I was STILL fucked up. But even though I was stumbling about and slurring my words I was convinced I was "sober" but I of course wasn't because the duration of flubromazepam is 2-3 days. This is a phenazepam analogue and it certainly shows.

One area I did find it genuinely useful for was tapering. With the insane half-life it made coming off benzos very easy. I should probably also give it credit for preventing seizures since I was popping tramadol like sweets back then too.

The actual experience of this benzo is not euphoric at all. Very foggy headed, it almost makes me depressed, and it lasts soooo long. Yet somehow I still found myself fiending for more. This trip down (lack of) memory lane just makes me happy I've moved onto better drugs.

In conclusion all this really did for me was cause long blackouts. Not as bad as clonazolam (that stuff is far far worse) but still pretty bad especially with the long legs.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 114013
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 31, 2020Views: 4,893
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Flubromazepam (832) : Not Applicable (38), Hangover / Days After (46), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2)

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