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Power Up
Citation:   jd911. "Power Up: An Experience with Ashwagandha (exp114113)". Feb 26, 2020.

900 mg oral Ashwagandha (capsule)
Cleaned up my room and found a bottle of Ashwagandha that I had ordered about a year ago and never opened or tried. I am feeling adventurous and somewhat bored so I decide to take 2 capsules (which is the recommended dosage, twice per day). I believe that I had ordered this for its reported sexual benefits, but I had no idea what it did really.

The pills were very large and fresh smelling. About 25 minutes minutes pass I am just sitting at my computer then BAM I am hit by a wave of pure energy. I would describe it as when Mario eats a mushroom and becomes super Mario. It is kind of hard to handle and I nearly reach for the Valium, but decide not to and to ride it out.

Well over the next few hours I feel incredibly strong and my muscles even look strong and I find myself saying out loud "I'm strong, dude" which makes me proud of myself and also laugh because I am alone with no one else to hear. That night it is a bit harder to get to sleep than normal. A tremendous benefit I noticed is that my feet and ankles were no longer cold. They are almost always cold. It must increase circulation.

On the negative side I felt some uncomfortable gas or perhaps it was dryness from the huge pills seeming to reside just below my throat. The next day I noticed I was singing a lot a really stupid song over and over. I felt kind of happy but also emotionally numb. I would sort of compare it to waking up hungover and still kind of drunk. I took it for another day and strangely did not notice much of an initial energy rush as the first time. Perhaps because I had not eaten much the first time. Regardless it gave me tremendous energy every time. It feels quite healthy to take also. I didn't keep taking it because the emotional numbing was strange. Also I have just been sitting at my computer so there is no need for all that energy. But I think its pretty amazing.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114113
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Feb 26, 2020Views: 10,922
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Ashwagandha (732) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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