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Quitting Smoking
Citation:   cons_research. "Quitting Smoking: An Experience with Tobacco (exp114334)". Dec 16, 2023.

I had been smoking from September of 1997. In 2004 I dropped smoking for 8 months, but in 2005 I started to smoke again to relief stress from sh*tty situation at my work. In 2012 I dropped smoking again, for 3 months. I’ve made it with a help of Zyban generic (Bupropion) – anti-smoking pills. First week of bupropion treatment, I smoked as usual. From a second week of the treatment, I stopped smoking. It was easy. With bupropion I had no cravings for cigarettes, but some of my cognitive functions, such as attention, was reduced. After 3 months I decided to buy cigarillos and smoke them just for taste and to relax. This “relaxation” eventually transformed to habit again and I returned to smoking cigarettes.

In April 2019 I calculated how much I was spending on cigarettes and was horrified. I was smoking about 2.5 packs of a day. Also, my lungs’ health gone really bad. I decided to switch (not break the habit) to less harmful and more cheap source of nicotine. First, I bought snuff. Tried to insufflate it, it gave a good buzz and hit to my head, but my desire to smoke cigarettes didn’t reduced. I was smoking and sniffing simultaneously without any signs of decrease of the cigarette cravings.

Then, I bought an electronic cigarette, a vape. The vape paid for itself in about 20 days. It’s one of the most amazing benefits of vaping. Vape is loaded with electronic cigarette liquid, not tobacco. Liquid is heated by coil. I’d made a vaping market research, and found that if I make liquid, coils, etc by myself, I’ll greatly reduce costs. I ordered 5 meters of coil wire, tools to make coils, cottons for coils. I bought two bottles of glycerin and propylene glycol from a chemical store. I bought I pack of a good tobacco and put half of the pack into propylene glycol. I made a natural tobacco flavoring such way. I mixed glycerin (70%), propylene glycol (20%) and a little bit of water (10%), added nicotine to it. Then, I’ve made several other flavorings, such as tea, coffee, cinnamon, cloves. But, such flavorings have a big disadvantage over purchased flavorings, they make a coal on coils, and coils require much cleanup (every 5 days vs 14 days).

Next, I purchased a dry herb vaporizer. I bought the cheapest tobacco, soaked it slightly in glycerin and put it into the vaporizer. The taste was really great. It was like I was smoking a good cigar, but without a taste of smoke, just a flow of tobacco tasting vapor. Artificial smoke from glycerin was also great. My mind recognized as cigarette.

Next, I tried a chewing tobacco intended to put under upper lip, snus. First time I was not impressed. I got a nicotine hit from it, not relaxation. Strong burning in the lip, urge to puke and unability to walk. I had been lying on my bed and waiting for effects to end. Then, I tried to make snus by myself. It also not impressed me. I put too much glycerin into it, that make it difficult for nicotine to absorb through lip. I had no nicotine hit.

I returned to snus in September 2019. This time, I’d made a good snus. I’d mixed tobacco with proper amounts of glycerin, salt and baking soda. After 2 month I reduced dose of snus, now I take a quarter of previous dose. I absolutely have no desire to smoke.

Exp Year: 1997-2019ExpID: 114334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2023Views: 23
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Tobacco (47) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Not Applicable (38)

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