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Torment and Ecstasy: Aphrodisiac Alone
Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea & Ethanol
Citation:   Feanor. "Torment and Ecstasy: Aphrodisiac Alone: An Experience with Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea & Ethanol (exp114339)". Apr 29, 2020.

4 - 5 g oral Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (extract)
  300 ml oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I and the girls I'm dating always seek new experiences and share them. Thus I thought it would be great to prepare something to take together and after reading a lot I choose to try the blue lotus. It's worth noting that we didn't have any physical contact in about a month, therefore I was already quite horny, and will not for a while still. Nonetheless I wanted to test it beforehand. We're also really passionate, take our time and I try to appreciate her entire body, in particular during sex.

I bought 10g of dried flowers and leaves and soaked them in 70 cl of Porto Wine (19% ethanol v/v) for two weeks at room temperature. After about 3h from a light dinner I poured about 30 cl in a mug, filtered it and drank it. It was so disgustingly bitter and astringent that I had to dilute it with water, add some honey and still it took me an effort to drink.

I sat at my desk and started watching a comedy. After about 30' I started feeling a sense of euphoria raising, so I stopped watching the movie and put on some music (eurodance, alterative rock, soft rock, indie). After a while I started to dance slowly, closed my eyes and felt my body like vibrant. No rush, just a tighter and more energetic connection with my body.

At some point I started thinking about the girl I'm dating in a very passionate way: vividly imaging what we would do when will be able to touch each other again in accurate details. I thought about masturbating, but it felt so lesser than the thought of having sex with her that it didn't seem appealing any more. During this time I layed in bed and start caressing my body, the pillow, the blankets and the sheets trying to emulate the sensation of her. Naturally nothing was enough and I was caught in torment and ecstasy. After about 2h it started fading and I felt asleep.

I'm really eager to try it with her, but I'd prefer to try after we re-establish our sexual life in order to have a proper comparison for the experience and avoid overestimating the effect of the lotus.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114339
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Apr 29, 2020Views: 852
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105), Alcohol (61) : First Times (2), Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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