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Short Lived Opiate-Like State
Chelidonium majus
Citation:   Jon Cave. "Short Lived Opiate-Like State: An Experience with Chelidonium majus (exp114364)". May 22, 2020.

After research on active alkaloids of Greater Celadine and harvesting plant material, I prepared an aqueous extract from 3-4 fresh plants. I boiled whole plants for 5 min, left for 1/2 hour and strained. The brown extract was cooked down to evaporate water. Obtained sticky yellowish-brown resin that tasted almost identical to the juice from fresh plant.

I took approx. 1 gram of dried and crushed leaves of this plant and mixed together with prepared resin. Left for a few days for the mix to completely dry out.

About week later I revisited my chelidonium preparation. It formed hard, a bit sticky dark rocks.

I loaded my pipe with 0,5-1 g, light it but it didnt burn well. I struggled for a few minutes and finally managed to light it properly. Smoke wasnt that bad, so I took a few big puffs. Suddenly, I felt light-headed and pleasant wave coming through my body. My feet were vibrating a little. I never took any opioid substances, but this feeling was definitely there. I felt a bit like in heaven, sort of like brain massage.

The elevated state lasted for a 5 minutes, slowly faded away and then my heart started to racing for one hour so. This was actually unpleasant effect and I panicked a bit, knowing that besides morphine-like alkaloids in chelidonium (chelidonine) there are also toxins like sanguinarine.

The overall experience wasnt worth it due to heart racing. However, I can definitely say that greater celadine did provides short lived opiate-like effects at this dose. One must be careful due to possible nasty side effects.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 22, 2020Views: 838
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Various (136) : First Times (2), Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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