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A Test; Will Not Be Trying More
Anadenanthera peregrina
Citation:   Steve Dave. "A Test; Will Not Be Trying More: An Experience with Anadenanthera peregrina (exp114365)". Erowid.org. May 14, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114365

1 seed insufflated Anadenanthera peregrina (ground / crushed)
I just wanted to warn people not to try this.

I prepared 10 seeds by roasting them over low heat until most of them had popped, removed the shells, crushed, mixed with lime 1:4 ratio (lime:yopo), added some water, and allowed them to dry.

I weighed the the total powder (20g) and portioned out one seed's worth. I snorted the powder in my room, and there was immediate burning but it wasn't intolerable.

The real pain came within a few minutes including discomfort throughout my entire body and strong nausea. I ended up vomiting a lot.

There were light visuals that I would say were similar to a very light dose of DMT, but they were short lived (10-20 minutes I think) and I couldn't focus on them at all with the way I was feeling. I was mostly just staring into my puke bucket the entire time...

This was meant to just be a test before a "real" dose, but I will not be returning to these seeds. I cant imagine the discomfort that would result from taking more. Would not recommend these to anyone.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114365
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 14, 2020Views: 956
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Anadenanthera peregrina (285) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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